So let's be the change we want to see, and instead of dampening the spirits of others lets look for the good in everyone and in all things, and bring back the Renaissance of artistic values to this wonderful world we live in. It is still a wonderful place to be, and I would not dream of living on Mars or any other planet.
I love my garden too much! I love that place that is just outside my back door. Planted with wonderful flowers and shrubs, and fruiting trees!
The weather has been warm and the trees are blooming, the new apricot has big blossoms, the nectarine is always first to pop out and the cherrie is waiting for the perfect moment, but finally popped right out on the 13th. I love Cherries, and have to work hard to fight off the Stellar Blue Jays that love them too. My cats who usually love to chatter and play with the birds wont even go near the huge blue birds. I think those birds are the top of the food chain here in the Masloff backyard. Who can worry about lifes little problems with nature doing its big show. The seasons have their say in everything we do and we learn to live with the heat and the cold.
I went to Mary Engelbriets magazine online and noticed that it is no longer in print! What a loss for creative artists like me, and she writes on her web site that she hopes to return to publishing soon, but because of the economy it is just not possible, she listed other magazines that are no longer in print. If that market is no longer there then what will we artists do? It was my dream to be in her magazine some day, and no I think , all magazines should just be blogs. So with that
here are my new links that I am pondering
and if you so wish to send donations I am really fond of this site:
all of the fabrics are great! Sewing is fun! If you donate fabric I will take it to my sewing guild and sew WITH IT ; These wonderful women donate these beautiful hand done ( free ) quilts to a wonderful cause, and one that we have heard good feedback from, the foster families, and the child protection services in Redding California. They use and receive more than 50 quilts just from this one guild every few months! The numbers are staggering, but all ages can have one, as well as new babies in Hospitals. I just love to be with these nice ladies and hope to learn how to do what they do with the grace, and kindness.
Seeds seeds seeds, everyone is talking about free seeds, the whole country is buzzing about free tomato seeds from campbells soup!
I love seeds too! I was just reading in the Farmers Almanac Gardening edition about a kid Jere Gettle, who was only 4 when he started his own garden, and now at 26, he owns a catalog order business and a huge plot of land to grow and trade seeds, some as old as the early 1800's! It says he publishes a quarterly mag, called Heirloom Gardener, and a web site :
I recommend that farmers almanac, to buy, better than this site:
I recommend that farmers almanac, to buy, better than this site:
Raspberries are coming back fast and the blue berries look like they are okay too. You know i bought some Walla walla onion started last year they are still tiny?? last year? what do I do with them? I am sure this is much more than you wanted to get in your email so i will stop --
but check out those web sites for more on the Gettle seeds-- thanks for writing-- I ll take a photo as soon as the cherry flowers out! Its really big now--
Liz Masloff
" Memory is a wonderful gift, for with it the best is never past, We carry thoughts of home in our hearts, to live in always though time has passed."
Quoted from the Harris' Seasonal Gardening Guide
aka Farmers Almanac
Thank You From Panda Publishing
but check out those web sites for more on the Gettle seeds-- thanks for writing-- I ll take a photo as soon as the cherry flowers out! Its really big now--
Liz Masloff
" Memory is a wonderful gift, for with it the best is never past, We carry thoughts of home in our hearts, to live in always though time has passed."
Quoted from the Harris' Seasonal Gardening Guide
aka Farmers Almanac
Thank You From Panda Publishing