Volcanoes are terrible things, and when we think we are in control, mother nature shakes things up and smokes us out. I live in Shasta County with more active volcanoes in the 100mi radius, than any other place on earth; the recent Icelandic explosion was an unhappy reminder. There is no real good news, except that each day without an eruption is a good one, I suppose.
I read my cousins blog today, and was astounded at her beautiful writing, and fluid style. I felt compelled to compliment her gentleness, and I wanted to climb inside the computer and go where she was, and see the people and places that she writes about. I put her link on my blog today, and I hope you read her intelligent thinking, about really important lives in India, it is about as different as can be, from the USA. It is brain food.
What did you learn today? Do I sound like a teacher, or a mother? Is that something we say to our children, after they return from school, because otherwise it sounds condescending? I feel like we should say that as much as possible, what are we learning. I learned that many people have very strong opinions about life and politics and sexual preferences, and there is no stock answer, no remedy for social pains, no one is going to completely agree because we alone translate the information, the way we see it. Like Jenny B, she sees the best in people, or at least she offers the best in the outward expression of it. Some I have learned, cant see the good in anything, ever, that is because once-one thing went bad then, to them it all went completely bad, and they threw out the baby with the bath water to coin a phrase. Politics are dividing people and countries all over the world, from every race and religion, no one is free from it, the judgments from separatists seem to have one thing as a common rule, none shall be allowed to individual, somehow we are all placed in a box of some kind. Independence is a liberal word that no longer offers sanctuary from judgment, and laws provide many excuses for the legal ways to be discriminated against. I wonder how long it will take for the food that we eat to put us in jeopardy, and the cars we drive, and the houses we live in, insurance companies, tax collectors and government surveys will categorize our life in a way that is predetermined by some rigid scientific theory that all people who eat certain foods can and must look and act a certain way. As long as we use this kind of science to judge others we have no magic, no belief and the spiritual kindness that favors the gift of love and brilliance of the childhood innocence. Its all been done and there are no new discoveries as long as science predicts the future. Predictions used to come from nature, we looked to the plants and the trees and the sky and the birds once, we could judge by the health of the crops the health of the economy. Its no longer a natural world it’s a land of created seeds, dwarfed fruit tress, and genetically altered vegetables, along with fortified cereals, canned foods and synthetic drugs. Man made remedies for man made problems, nature can't compete when we believe we are most intelligent creatures on earth. Even though, its obvious that certain living things like, insects, weeds and germs can not only live longer and stronger than us, they are outwitting us and outnumbering us rapidly. Take the rats in Thailand, nature can produce a million rats in a matter of a few months, and it will eat all and destroy entire crops lands, they don’t seem too worried if Gays marry or if, we have a woman in the office or if the water has been filtered by Brita or kitchen aid. Other countries have seen the same problems we are seeing, and this is the one truth, the way of the people depends on harmony with nature.
Chocolate is a plant from the rain forest and is a wonderful anti-depressant; it works quickly and is rather inexpensive. Body-Fat is a depressant, and can be caused by excessive chocolate intake, and the worry about getting fat, is depressing too. Synthetic-Drugs are great anti-depressants, and yet they are expensive and made in the USA, and so I eat chocolate, and think about how much I save, not buying a better drug, and therefore I am happy. Chocolate is a short-lived drug, and love works far better as a anti-depressants, but that too can cause chocolate binge eating. Chocolate makes you feel the same buzz that love does, how come we don’t love chocolate like people, making a shrine, or a religion because this living plant sacrifices itself for our freedom? No other plant is associated with that kind of buzz, oh except marijuana, which is available in every continent on earth naturally- happy 4/20/2010. You won’t be happy, or buzzed or in love if you end up in jail, for having that kind of plant…and talk about depressing. I hope they don’t outlaw chocolate, and love. But, love that is not a man and a woman is outlawed, and sex that is in a marriage is legal, but sex that is in a store isn’t. Books that show women and men naked are legal, and available everywhere to buy, but going naked for free-isn’t free you will pay a fine, and be locked up. If you break the law, you cant buy chocolate or have sex, but the people that are there to protect you ….okay I am done now.
When great freedom fighters pass on, do we stop fighting for the cause, do we forget to carry the torch? I have seen history forgotten, that is beautiful and full of sweet memories of animal preservation, unraveled in the mention that animals are merely too unworthy of our time to be cared about. Maybe we just realize that we cant expect others to always behave the way we think they should, but we have to weave the good parts of ourselves in an outward expression and look for the moments to wave our colored flag, and hope no one stones us for it. Simple abandon, is a play on words from the title of the book , simple abundance. I love Sarahs books, if you want better things to read, than my random thoughts-this is Good News!