Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Demand fair and heathy food.

I was taught about supply and demand early on in life. That this simple system runs the world..
Who understands this better than the big business man or woman. You know that the more something
Is wanted the more value it has. But lately supply and demand aren't working as usual . Let's take the demand for gasoline, that is clearly getting larger with more cars more people and less gas available.
So why isn't there a big demand for alternative cars that run on something more sustainable and simply put something that we can afford?? It doesn't make sense that we continue to use gas, and oil and just turn our backs on the level of production of autos ! Why are we even able to build mass amounts of crappy cars ? Just to be cheap? Cheap isn't good .. No one can afford a broken car. Who killed the dreams of alternative fueled cars? Seriously?
Btw Presidents don't create energy, or gas or food, the don't create anything, they can only do what you or we the people- let them. They can create war, and bullets and bombs...and money all day long if they want to. Why are they limited to these resources and then we are surprised when they use them ?? Hmm little out of balance? Unfair?

We have begun to be a throw away system . We have taken the supply and made it now throw a away supply so there is no responsibility in what you buy or even how you buy. If you don't like it throw it out- get a new one and this concept has bled into our system of people. People have lost value in our demanding system because cheap is good and the divide from those who have and those who have not, is handed down in what is only paper and rarely in the heart. Paper has taken value over people, money has more value than life itself. You can buy anything and no matter what the demand may be, you can get it. See the beautiful reference from "The Little Prince" quotes of the Fox
by St. Exuprey... http://www.thelittleprince.com/
"People can buy things already made in the shops but there is nowhere where one can buy friendship so they have no friends anymore ..."
Want to go to mars? It's out there , want to buy a wife? She's out there and so it goes. Money talks and politics today spends a lot of money on worthless pomp and circumstance it's shameful.
Contradicting all that has been inherited down to us by our hard working and stubborn forefathers. All those lovely children's books teaching us morals that can just break our hearts with truths that we can't uphold.
We start young to teach our children
Good food and good thoughts ... Good habits start young and stay with all our lives. But we have to be willing to clean out our brains of the daily junk each day and put out fresh clean thoughts for the new day - ok I took that from J.M.Barrie's "Peter and Wendy" but it's timeless !
If we could we'd fix our future, but you can't learn history of the future in the present that's impossible but we can learn from our mistakes, and from our past history.
That is why we yearn for hope, for people who can enlist us in the system of hope. When I think of people who brought great hope I think of Henry Ford who invented the assembly line and paid his workers a living wage to create a vehicle that would in fact change the world . He had a big heart and his dreams are alive and well- he's played it fair- what can we learn from him? They just don't make things like they used to people!! And that's the truth !

I think of farmers who understood that if they cared about the food and kept it growing they would be able to take care of not just their own families but so many others - without fame and fortune they give all they have from the heart to the heart. We cannot survive without the farmers or the good food they raise. So why aren't we protecting them? There is more demand than ever for good organic food- why would ANYONE let our food become tainted with genetic alteration and chemicals or worse . Why would anyone allow the breeding of plants that are unable to make seeds!! And then make the saving of seeds illegal and Patton them?? I AM FURIOUS AT THIS!!
It must be stopped NOW ! Our whole world relies on seeds and food-this is an outrage! It's completely unfair!!

I can tell you from personal experience that I am allergic to high bred gassed tomatoes - why do we need this? Who can say we really don't throw away and waste more food than ever?
Go to the market go to the restaurants go to the garbage dump and see for yourself the supply is wasted and the demand is over met and yet still over whelming ! Because we are never going to be satisfied by cheap Imitations and we know Better out bodies innately know what to refuse this is the cause of most allergies and then we get sick.
In our hearts and in minds we know everytime we throw away that can or bottle or eat from a plastic to go container. THIS ISN'T WHO WE ARE. This is what big business wants us to be. Forced into submission and told how to eat, sleep and drive. And the more that we buy it, the bigger it gets. We are blind to what is right in front of our face in the animal farms -when milk and dairy farmers make penny's and distributors and markets are fattening their retirement !! Farmers don't have retirement !UNFAIR!

Supply and demand - self responsibility and vision. But also honesty and ability to look into the past and see the mistakes of the past.
The first people here were the Anasazi they lived and loved on this land we call America. They were wholesome, indigenous men and women who prayed to their beliefs for all they needed. Their story is one that we have yet to learn from.
We can't just pray for what we need the earth is going to tell us what it is going to do . Without water and food we die. And no matter who we are basic necessities of life remain the same beyond all classes and religion and sexes, a place to live, food to eat and a fair trade is all we really need.

Is this land fair ? Is it? Mother always said life wasn't fair, it's up to us to see to it, that somehow our future becomes as balanced and fair as it we can make it. Not just on paper not just on tv or in books or speeches, but truly fair for the all people, the children and the elderly. It's up to us to care enough to see, how we can make the future healthier intentionally.
Just like Monsanto intentionally made it hard for farmers to survive by unfairly taking away their livelihood. That should come back to bite Monsanto fairly to see that no one can create laws that put good people out of business so bad business can literally kill us all by taking our right to grow safe food.
Every single plastic to go coffee cup adds up to waste- what you don't own a cup ?? Really you lazy ass person bring one or ASK FOR ONE - :)remember that a -real cup-at the coffee shop? I PROMISE YOU. It will taste Better with a dash of less waste.

Today I suffer from what I think is a malnutrition headache . Where I live I can't get food from the farm, I have headaches and I'm hungry. I pay a much higher price to buy food thats is shipped here from far far away, because so many people are willing to buy from cans and boxes that don't have properly grown vegetables anymore. My market is really limited on vegetables. Have people have given up on safe healthy food? It's true in Hayward, So the demand went down for farm fresh foods we just ate what we were told to- what was available.
Now we look back and want the food we to used to have? Where did it go? It should be in my back yard, it seems to cost more to grow a tomato than to buy it? Why is that? There are books about the $200 tomato ..

Where's the giant organic farms creating jobs and keeping drs at bay? They are not here, because your life was unfairly written by lobbyist who made it legal to lie on the labeled foods your money paid for!
We paid to be lied to. Yes it's not even a law to tell you when you are eating a Genetically Modified food.

No one will agree to that willingly. I need truth and I really hope that in the years to come people stop buying boxed food, bottled water, and throw away electronics and crappy cars, and stop the demand for unfair business practices. Stop the demand and you will choke them out of business, it's not just your future. It's everyone's future.

I love my Grand Parents !
Thank God for them.



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