Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What's going on

Here I am today, sitting inside the arco arena, tired as hello, been up since 4 am, already my calorie intake is the hotdogs, coffee, and gum! Needless to say I am still waiting on God, waiting for that moment where I amNOT saying de ja vous or my head isn't spinning with I KNOW!!
It's just like I'm an extra piece of junk stuck just at the bottom of the disposal that keeps getting missed and will not go down the drain.
I listened to the story of Gideon, and I thought well yes this IS one I know, I live it- I am always tooting my horn in the face of adversity it's my one plan that never fails, but when inthink of Gideon I think of the books I sold, and read by Elizabeth Buckley Archer, that are not only about time travel, historical fiction, but the main character is named Gideon, and it's also the first tittle of the series of time traveler books. Gideon tells his story at the point when all seems darkest to the children, when they believe they could never defeat the criminals that have stolen their money, and their trust. I loved those books, not just for the sweetest applications of biblical references, but for the chance to believe in passing back and forth in time.
Who hasn't wished they could return to their younger self , and forewarned their innocent self from making that mistake, that irrevocably changed your life. What glory is there in hindsight, and what gift is prophecy? Do we realize that the effect one thing changed would entail a long list of altered realities. It's the Maslow psychology, we know we can but do we really trust ourselves ? The greatest power is, faith, in the things you cannot see, and yet it's probably also our weakest point. How can this be? How can I be weak and strong? I wish I could explain it; today I said to myself, I am so glad Gideon was a story I was familiar with, it was wonderful to hear it again, and even if this story is something we all have access to, few know it, and fewer will believe it and tell it.
Why was I so drawn to it years ago, and why am I right here today, thinking that this arco arena was the same venue for so many other presentations, and one that I only can dream about and will most likely never come true. I think, if I'm looking at my self today, through the eyes of yesterday then exactly how can I be living in today ? I transcend time and space not by physical reality but but memory. Just like in the book the time travelors we blur when we chose to live in the past and we can only be in one place at a time. The more we live in the days of our memory the more we blur, the less we are in the now, and at any moment we can loose ourselves, completely forced into the lines of love and worry that we create, trying the change the moments we mistakenly believed we were robbed of.

I will be waiting for the moment to get my life signed because on the concert, the book is already written and I just have to connect the past with the present.

Sleep and dream, that's all.

More updates later.



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