It has become easy for so many to sell themselves short, to just go with the crowd, and have the "crowd" mentality! The stories that are being posted and delivered to us via the news and online, offer substance and question, and notice that now we can even comment on the stories, so instead of yelling IDIOTS at the TV monitor, we can actually yell in HTML, to the faceless community of online type's. I prefer a few days of news, before I comment on it, I like to digest it, and sometimes I read other peoples comments, but I rarely comment on someones comment, to me,this is going to far into some kind of transcended reality and not preferable for human consumption. Remember the late great comedian, George Carlin? He had a great stand up that said, "the amount of how much a person is an Asshole is directly related to how far away they are from you. A person in front of you in line, is kind of an asshole and he'd say it quietly", and then he'd compare it to, "the person in the car in front of you honking and making you late, is becoming an asshole", he says louder!, and then he screams, "a person on TV is definitely an ASSHOLE!", grandit when I say it, its not as good as when he does, but you get it, and if you've seen him do it-- its funny and so true. I mean, why do we let it all get to us, when we know we cant do anything about it? seriously? And online, and on tv, the crowds are getting out of control! Didn't you learn about the Crowd mentality?
I have done my fair share of reporting spam and online and phone scams to the http://www.FTC.org, the federal trade commission, and the BBB, you know it! I have even gone so far as to complain about the phone company ripping me off on my phone bill, and getting a refund out of it-- you can bet they HATE me now. They send me nasty notes, " we will turn off your interenet FOREVER!" wow--
I mean, I went out of my way, to defend myself, and now I am the asshole! what is up with that? Why is it, that as soon as we defend our right to free speech or our right to fair pricing, or even drive a car with --or without my seat belt, ( I am going to the store!)it makes me not-- civilized? How about this, my right to not be a republican, that does not automatically make me a socialist communist Iraqi American Defector~ GOSH!! This is where I inject some silliness as to take out the sad moment where the stuffed shirts can leave or laugh! Like, oh my gosh , I cannot believe you are acting so rude... we can live different lives have different views and not invade each others conscience, or lives with political jargon...
Ok Let's just say, I want to not advocate war in other countries, for the purpose of --what is now not called Terrorism, for reasons unknown to me, this makes me a passivist. I thought it made me person who cant afford it. OK we dont have the money to spend here, we cant afford TO EVEN TALK ABOUT health care for the people here, but hey we can bring food and medicine, repair roads, and build schools and give suitcases of money to the people we take land from, but thats a secret or something that only the government does. And if the government can do things like- say, build houses and roads and schools and fund people to live and control other people in other countries, why does anyone think- that could not do that right here for us? Same people, same government, not a different one, same one, they can do what ever they want, so why would it be any different? The government has a commission that over sees what is published on the news, the radio and the tv, it basically tells them what they can and cannot show us, the government has an entire branch that is dedicated to keeping secrets from, well everyone and they also -- make sure, they approve, our television, our radio, our internet, our food and our drugs, and tax our alcohol and cigarettes, ok. Are we clear yet? We work, we pay taxes and we buy things and we pay taxes, cars, planes, cell phones, and now the Internet has taxes~! Is our food safer today than say, ten years ago? Then why do we have two kinds Organic, and the kind the government says is ok? Are we safer in our country from, (not now called) terrorism?, DO you think that the Right would be saying " no more bullets, where are the bullets, I have to buy a gun" if we needed to prove that we are safer, smarter and better, does it happen better if your armed and dangerous? We are paying more taxes, dont let them deny that, we pay a new tax on everything, GAS, oh bad word, electricity, oh too big? dont know what that means, WATER, that is an easy one, and yes land and houses taxes on everything, the government has been and still is, getting rich off of us. They should be building, fixing, and paying for more things right here in this country, dont be ashamed.
NOW, I have teens and they say, I cant believe those people are saying that, and I say, worry, my child, when you cant say that. Let them say it, let them be mad, and carry pitchforks, let them , because as soon as we cant is when we are all criminals. We dont need to let the "Government" be an all knowing entity, I would not let them control me to that extent; Remember when we used to say, the Terrorists cant take away our freedom, and we put up our flags and we bonded in the right to be happy and free! Today, its leftside-and rightside, and for some reason only Jon Stewert can make it all come together in a whole country, what if it is a bad as they make out to be. What if, this could be the ultimate MYTHBUSTER, what if the right manifests the reality they are so sure is about to happen, they push people too far and decide to revolt and start another civil war?
Has anyone been watching Uganda lately, or for the past 20 years? Over there, I say that because --we need to believe that is where it is, but really there is only one planet, one poeple, one water, one air, one life to live-- ok--
ahem, if our lives become numb, and willing to force our beliefs by war, and people start dying for what they believe right here, and we start arming ourselves in our homes, and there is no line on human compassion, and killing, will we be able to survive? Those who will fight the most, will they know what kind of place they will be living in? Do the people with guns win? I wonder if things go wrong, in their house, if they will kill you, because you disagreed... I SAID NO KID, NO, BAM! Or i need your land now i need your car, your water--no lets not go there! ok?
The watotos, are an example of people who know that together we can survive, and if you study how they ressurect the lives of the homeless and the forgotten orphans, to be family, uncles and aunts, mothers and fathers, it becomes painfully obvious what a hideous thing it is to kill someone, or fight. That what is needed to survive is love, and not a gun. Its a family and a brother and sister, not a gun. Its an education, and a good job, and time to be calm , and mostly, to be with GOD, and believe that in all things Jesus did not forget you. They sing a song, Jesus did not forsake me, I am not forgotten, you think, they believe that, so can I. They also sing, will you be the one, to sing me to sleep tonight, will you be the one to hug me tonight. Here are people who live in a place, were rebels and government are fighting and killing and burning their homes, and they do not ask for bullets or pitchforks, they ask you to sing and dance with them. They dont ask you to come to them, they come to you, and they dont cry, they laugh, they dont beg, and look pathetic either. They dont hold a sign, and then go spend it on the crane machine, they - actually work, and take care of eachother, they get on with thier lives, and they dont drag down people with worrys and cares. They are only here one day, and they change you forever, for the best. I want to be like that, I want to be so full of the Lord and so happy to be alive that I speak joy and faith and look forward to each new day with eyes of hope.
What a difference a day makes, one day your whole life can change. We are never prepared for the death of those we love, there is no time for fighting, why do people do it? If everyone took saturday to listen and laugh to one another, the world would be a better place, let someone else be happy, and let someone else have their say. Let it be. You are not forsaken, or forgotten, just because you cant waive the flag or agree with everyone all the time.
Will ROgers said, " We all can't be in the parade, some people have to stand on the sidelines and cheer".