Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Everyday log in addcitions?~ ENOUGH ALL READY!

STOP THE LIES! Warning--- MYSPACE LIES! This is my belief, that there are things that we don't allow, and that line is crossed when the rights of adults are squashed.

Is this really happening in the USA, is there an open web site that is not responsible for anything it posts? Is it possible in this great country that children are allowed to lie about their ages, just to advertise the daily drama? Or make their life into daily drama? Can they really privately advertise the daily problems true or not, to anyone who they feel, and lock out the Adults in their life who take care of them?

YES it is true, and if your Teen is doing it, the truth is, there is not one individual that can protect you from your name being libeled printed and there is often no way to even know that it is being done!

I have recently learned that if your Teen is using, MYSPACE for sex, drugs, or runaway schemes you cannot be allowed to see the information that would lead you to the people involved. According to our RPD, not once has this city allowed anyone to revoke a password to be able to help find missing children, except for one TIME where the teen claimed to be KIDNAPPED. NOT FOR ANY OTHER REASON! IN ANY CASE!

But everyday, teens are logging in and they are sending messages and using this free site for "entertainment" while the law enforcement, runs in circles to (obviously ~ not effectively) find missing and exploited children. YOU might think they would want to find them, and you might think that there would be a good reason to do it, but according to our RPD, its never a real EMERGENCY>>>

Does death of a runaway qualify?
Because who's to blame when the teen dies?

Children can cause all sorts of pain to the parents by threats to run away. It is very common now for parents to say that, there is no way to discipline children, not without hearing that they children have been conditioned to think that their freedom is being impaired. What freedom do parents have if they have children? We gave up our freedom when we had the baby, and then the child learns to wield the weapon of the law at the parents, this really is the sign of the times.

The plague of unethical times has come to fruition, and you too are sucked into it, I too have a myspace, but I thought it made me -- more informed...it might as well have made me a parental psychopath, for caring enough to subject myself search for my child withing the pages of crude and lascivious things that kids easily say and do. There is a place where you can act like a slut, lie like the devil, claim to do your best to impede others future by buying into their Phony Persona, and feed your delusional teen, and the majority of kids--- think that's cool.


Here's to all the broken hearted parents who's kids found a way to live out in the big world; be brave and remember, its not what you say, its what you do. The dog barks, he cannot do much else, we do more than bark, we make the laws, and the laws are ours.

What person has not seen the great fable of Pinocchio? This amazing and beautiful movie created by the genius of Walt Disney, clearly shows an image of how we are taken off the path of our lives and easily drawn to do the crimes for others, due to our need for money and the lure of being accepted into the "ADULT WORLD". Over and over in the movie it becomes apparent that the world is full of phony people, and that lives are changed forever when they do not stay on the right road.

ONCE YOU GO DOWN THE PATH OF THE DARK SIDE, FOREVER DOES IT CHANGE YOUR DESTINY. Yoda, explaining Darth Vader to Luke , from "The Empires Strikes Back"

I was published in the Barnes and Noble Executive Training manual for writing what was an effective essay on the story of " Little Red Riding Hood", the ancient fable of how a girl in her prime is taken off her path by the wolves and eaten alive. This story has been done in every format, from movies to cartoon, to plays. The Wolf in darker times, came with a full MALE anatomy, and the girls red robe, represented her feminine cycle. Her ability to create life, and her mother and her grandmother being the circle of the right to life. Her responsibility to this. Thanks to an encounter, with a good BN customer that, told me about it, I was astounded at my new gift of knowledge. I was even more amazed that not 30 minutes later, that night I would be referring to the priceless information for another mother, who was concerned about her daughter's child. It was a revelation, and one that impressed the most well read scholars. I too knew it would forever remain with me; HERE I am , fighting like red riding hood, to kill the wolves, its going to take more than an AXE to get this company, for they have made there minions, and it wont be MYSPACE that will revolt, it will be the addicts. Once again I ask you, are children in charge? Can't we ever say no to them?

I don't believe that the rights of those who are working hard to take care ,protect and educate children should be able to be ruined by the hands of the predatory minds, created by and with the computer, feeding the dark imaginings of the teen mind. This is a recipe for more than anyone can control. This is where FACE BOOK is better, you can see the information, move forward, and people judge you and correct you and possibly hold you accountable. But if we allow MYSPACE to break the rules, many will follow.

MYSPACE should be reduced to WHAT IT DOES BEST, Music only, and PROFESSIONAL~ Entertainment,
;Rights are not just for children, we adults worked hard for centuries to make this world free -- but not to be tossed into the fire by children who cause undue stress on parents, who are trying to have some kind of wholesome discipline, or punish this dangerous~ ONLINE behavior.

This is my belief, that there are things that we don't allow, and that line is crossed when the rights of adults or squashed.

I say enough! NOT one more day, of this! FIGHT TO END~this war on children, give Adults the right to see and have complete access to anything their children do on MYSPACE or shut them down. HOLD MYSPACE accountable to the same crimes that would put a NEWSPAPER WRITER IN JAIL, OR A THREATENING PERSON IN PRISON. Free speech or slander, right to expose yourself and sell false images or just plain LIBEL? we know better and its time we said ENOUGH!!

Don't wait until you experience what we are-- write the congressman or woman and say-- ENOUGH OF MYSPACE LIES

Thank You From Panda Publishing



My space exploits missing and runaway children

if you dont care-- who will? everyone write your congress no more hiding information

this is not a web site for information, its a place for misleading and advertising children with photos and words that do not have to be true or real.

California in the 111th Congress
(1st Session)

[California's flag]
To retrieve much more detailed biographical and contact information about a given Congressmember, click on the member's name.

Residents of California are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 53 Representatives.
Member NameDC PhoneDC FAXElectronic Correspondence
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D- CA) 202-224-3841202-228-3954http://feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?
Senator Barbara Boxer (D- CA) 202-224-3553202-224-0454http://boxer.senate.gov/contact/email/policy.cfm
Representative Mike Thompson (D - 01) 202-225-3311202-225-4335http://mikethompson.house.gov/contact/email.shtml
Representative Wally Herger (R - 02) 202-225-3076202-226-0852https://forms.house.gov/herger/webforms/landing.html
Representative Dan Lungren (R - 03) 202-225-5716202-226-1298http://lungren.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&
Representative Tom McClintock (R - 04) 202-225-2511202-225-5444https://forms.house.gov/mcclintock/contact-form.shtml
Representative Doris Matsui (D - 05) 202-225-7163202-225-0566https://forms.house.gov/matsui/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
Representative Lynn Woolsey (D - 06) 202-225-5161202-225-5163http://woolsey.house.gov/contactemailform.asp
Representative George Miller (D - 07) 202-225-2095202-225-5609http://georgemiller.house.gov/contactus/2007/08/post_1.html
Representative Nancy Pelosi (D - 08) 202-225-4965202-225-4188sf.nancy@mail.house.gov
Representative Barbara Lee (D - 09) 202-225-2661202-225-9817http://lee.house.gov/?sectionid=128&sectiontree=18128
Representative Vacant ( - 10) 202-225-1880202-225-5914None Currently Available
Representative Jerry McNerney (D - 11) 202-225-1947202-225-4060http://mcnerney.house.gov/contact.shtml
Representative Jackie Speier (D - 12) 202-225-3531202-226-4183http://speier.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=54&sectiontree=54
Representative Pete Stark (D - 13) 202-225-5065202-226-3805https://forms.house.gov/stark/webforms/contact.htm
Representative Anna G. Eshoo (D - 14) 202-225-8104202-225-8890https://forms.house.gov/eshoo/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
Representative Mike Honda (D - 15) 202-225-2631202-225-2699http://www.honda.house.gov/contactmike.shtml
Representative Zoe Lofgren (D - 16) 202-225-3072202-225-3336http://forms.house.gov/lofgren/webforms/contactzipauth.html
Representative Sam Farr (D - 17) 202-225-2861202-225-6791http://www.farr.house.gov/index.php?
Representative Dennis Cardoza (D - 18) 202-225-6131202-225-0819http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Representative George Radanovich (R - 19) 202-225-4540202-225-3402http://radanovich.house.gov/Contact/email.htm
Representative Jim Costa (D - 20) 202-225-3341202-225-9308http://www.house.gov/formcosta/issue.htm
Representative Devin Nunes (R - 21) 202-225-2523202-225-3404http://www.nunes.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactUs.ContactForm
Representative Kevin McCarthy (R - 22) 202-225-2915202-225-2908https://kevinmccarthyforms.house.gov/showpage.asp?ID=69
Representative Lois Capps (D - 23) 202-225-3601202-225-5632http://www.house.gov/capps/contact/send_an_email.shtml
Representative Elton Gallegly (R - 24) 202-225-5811202-225-1100http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Representative Howard P. (Buck) McKeon (R - 25) 202-225-1956202-226-0683http://mckeon.house.gov/contact.shtml
Representative David Dreier (R - 26) 202-225-2305202-225-7018http://dreier.house.gov/contact.shtml
Representative Brad Sherman (D - 27) 202-225-5911202-225-5879http://www.house.gov/sherman/contact/
Representative Howard L. Berman (D - 28) 202-225-4695202-225-3196http://www.house.gov/berman/contact/
Representative Adam Schiff (D - 29) 202-225-4176202-225-5828http://schiff.house.gov/HoR/CA29/Contact+Information/Contact+Form.htm
Representative Henry A. Waxman (D - 30) 202-225-3976202-225-4099http://waxman.house.gov/Contact/
Representative Xavier Becerra (D - 31) 202-225-6235202-225-2202http://becerra.house.gov/HoR/CA31/Hidden+Content/Email+Signup+Form.htm
Representative Judy Chu (D - 32) 202-225-5464202-225-5467https://forms.house.gov/chu/contact-form.shtml
Representative Diane Watson (D - 33) 202-225-7084202-225-2422http://www.house.gov/watson/zipauth.shtml
Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D - 34) 202-225-1766202-226-0350http://roybal-allard.house.gov/Contact/
Representative Maxine Waters (D - 35) 202-225-2201202-225-7854http://www.house.gov/waters/IMA/issue.htm
Representative Jane Harman (D - 36) 202-225-8220202-226-7290http://www.house.gov/harman/contact/email.shtml
Representative Laura Richardson (D - 37) 202-225-7924202-225-7926http://richardson.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Representative Grace Napolitano (D - 38) 202-225-5256202-225-0027http://www.napolitano.house.gov/contact/feedback.htm
Representative Linda Sanchez (D - 39) 202-225-6676202-226-1012http://www.lindasanchez.house.gov/index.cfm?section=contact
Representative Ed Royce (R - 40) 202-225-4111202-226-0335http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Representative Jerry Lewis (R - 41) 202-225-5861202-225-6498http://www.house.gov/jerrylewis/WritetoRepresentativeLewis.htm
Representative Gary Miller (R - 42) 202-225-3201202-226-6962http://garymiller.house.gov/Contact/
Representative Joe Baca (D - 43) 202-225-6161202-225-8671http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Representative Ken Calvert (R - 44) 202-225-1986202-225-2004http://calvert.house.gov/Contact/
Representative Mary Bono Mack (R - 45) 202-225-5330202-225-2961http://bono.house.gov/Contact_Mary/ContactForm.htm
Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R - 46) 202-225-2415202-225-0145http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Representative Loretta Sanchez (D - 47) 202-225-2965202-225-5859http://www.lorettasanchez.house.gov/forms/contact.html
Representative John Campbell (R - 48) 202-225-5611202-225-9177https://forms.house.gov/campbell/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
Representative Darrell Issa (R - 49) 202-225-3906202-225-3303http://issa.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Representative Brian Bilbray (R - 50) 202-225-0508202-225-2558http://www.house.gov/bilbray/contact.shtml
Representative Bob Filner (D - 51) 202-225-8045202-225-9073http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Representative Duncan D. Hunter (R - 52) 202-225-5672202-225-0235https://forms.house.gov/hunter/contact-form.shtml
Representative Susan Davis (D - 53) 202-225-2040202-225-2948http://www.house.gov/susandavis/contact.shtml

do something about it!

Thank You From Panda Publishing

ou know you're from SAN FRANCISCO when..........Global

Basic Info

1.You say "the city" and expect everyone to know that this means San Francisco.

2.You have never been to the the Golden Gate Bridge or Alcatraz.

3.You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Union Square to the Embarcadero at 3:30 on the Friday before a long weekend, but can't find Wisconsin on a map.

4.Hookers and the homeless are invisible.

5.The BART or MUNI makes sense.

6.You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual.

7.You've considered stabbing someone just for saying "Frisco".

8.If you have lived in San Francisco for more than ten years. Not including living at home with your parents.

9.You call an 5' x 7' plot of patchy grass a yard.

10.You consider Marin "upstate".

11.You think Golden Gate Park is "nature."

12.Your family immigrated here to give you a better future.

13.You're paying $1,200 for a studio the size of a walk-in closet and you think it's a "steal."

14.You've been to Oakland twice and got hopelessly lost both times.

15.You pay more each month to park your car than most people in the U.S. pay in rent.

16.You haven't seen more than twelve stars in the night sky since you went away to camp as a kid.

17.You go to dinner at 9 and head out to the clubs when most Americans are heading to bed.

18.Your closet is filled with black clothes.

19.You haven't heard the sound of true absolute silence since the 80s, and when you did, it terrified you.

20.You pay $5 without blinking for a beer that cost the bar 28 cents.

21.You take fashion seriously.

22.Being truly alone makes you nervous.

23.You have 27 different menus next to your telephone.

24.Going to Berkeley is considered a "road trip."

25.America east of the San Francisco Bay is still theoretical to you.

26.You've gotten jaywalking down to an art form.

27.You take a taxi to get to your health club to exercise.

28.Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes.

29.$150 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag.

30.You have a minimum of five "worst cab ride ever" stories.

31.You don't notice sirens anymore.

32.You live in a building with a larger population than most American towns.

33.Your doorman is Russian, your grocer is Korean your deli man is Israeli, your building super is Italian, your laundry guy is Chinese, your favorite bartender is Irish, your favorite diner owner is Greek, the watchseller on your corner is Senegalese, your last cabbie was Pakistani, your newsstand guy is Chinese and your favorite falafel guy is Egyptian.

34.You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.

35.You secretly envy cabbies for their driving skills.

36.You think $5.00 to cross a bridge is a fair price.

37.Your door has more than three locks.

38.Your favorite movie was filmed downtown.

39.You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.

40.You run when you see a flashing "Do Not Walk" sign at the intersection.

41.You're 35 years old and don't have a driver's license.

42.You ride in a subway car with no air conditioning just because there are seats available.

43.You're willing to take in strange people as roommates simply to help pay the rent.

44.You know where to get the best Pho in the Tenderloin...

45.You have bought a home anywhere but in San Francisco.

46.When you're away from home, you miss "real" pizza and "real" bagels.

47.You know the differences between all the different Irving Street Pizzas.

48.You're not in the least bit interested in going to the Embarcadero on New Year's Eve.

49.Your internal clock is permanently set to know when Alternate Side of the Street parking regulations are in effect.

50.You know what a massage parlor really is.

51.You know how to fold the San Francisco Chronicle in half, vertically, so that you can read it on the subway or bus without knocking off other passenger's hats.

52.Someone bumps into you, and you check for your wallet.....

53.You cringe at people who ask you for directions back to their hotel when San Francisco is only 7 miles by 7 miles and they are two blocks away from their hotel and they have a map marked "you are here".

54.Film crews on your block annoy you, not excite you.

55. People from other states cant tell a polar bear from a peanut, but they know you're from San Francisco the second you open your mouth.

56. When you are able to make a right turn at a red light.. you think it's the best thing ever.

57. Rather than waiting safely on the sidewalk to cross the street, you wait inches away from speeding traffic waiting to cut through it.

58. Your local news is national news.

59. You walk a mile in 13 minutes and think that everything should be open 24/7.

60. You go clubbin' at 1015...

61. You think you know better than everyone else in the world.. when in reality.. well.. you do.

62. Yellow light means speed up.

63. Red light means speed up because you know have that 1 second pause until the other light turns green.

64. Communicating with people on the road only takes one finger.

65. You order your dinner and have it delivered.. From the place across the street.

66. You cross the street on a greenlight, and if you get hit by a car you blame the driver for "not watching where they're going.

67. You can tell a gunshot from a firecracker and not get scared, but when you go to the burbs you get scared of hearing a cricket.

68. You have asked a bum for some spare change before he was able to ask you and he pulls out a $100 dollar bill.

Contact Info

San Francisco, CA

Thank You From Panda Publishing


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