Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Daily Doses of Joy

It was Norman Vincent Peale that said, being positive is like a vitamin, you have to take it in daily doses, or you will get sick. You know we all get sick, sick and tired of the bad things, the sad things, the mad things, but even Dr. Seuss said, sometimes things wont be great, and sometimes we wont do so great! But Oh the places you will go!

This is not a metaphor, and life is not a political cartoon, or a newsflash. The truth is people are angry, people are fighting mad, but, people are still required to see truth using their own eyes.

We have our own eyes, our own life and our own voices, and it is okay today to be concerned about the stories being shown to us on the news, it is also okay to want to try to change things. But in the grand scheme we don't have the right to be so invasive that we just forget there are people here, real people who have to at least defend themselves. Did we offer any consolation to the people who might have been taken in by stock scammers? Did we have a fund raiser, all those who wish to protect their family dollar and their sacred bank account, did they stand up and band together and offer to help each other? Why not?
Why is it easier to dig the dirt, than it is to plant the seed? I like the dirt, I like the whole reality of dirt, rather than the alternative. Lets not cement in the next few years with blatant anger to just be sure that nothing bad will happen...I mean not to quote another kid movie, but, you cant say that you can make nothing bad ever happen, because then that is just like saying , nothing will ever happen.

I am always one to use my faith in times like these. Itn't this the greatest time to use it? Around the corner from all troubles is something great, and while the rain is raining , it is still sunny on top of the clouds. What I ask is where are we going? Not just as a group, not just as a country, but as a person with our own choices, where are we going? And when we go, do we bring something good to offer? Do we remember bring with us, the gracious gifts our grandmothers and aunts taught us? Flowers and hand made cards, do we offer food and nurturing conversation? What we really have to offer is our value, and it cannot be measured in dollars. The person that doesn't share his gifts with the world, has imprisoned not only himself but all those whom have been left out circle that is created with giving of oneself completely. All things in our world do have balance, and if we think we are going out of our way to do anything, most likely we are in the way. Its not the things we do or say, its the way we do it. Convince others with anger, and get sucked into a fight that is only in your own mind, no one feels it like you.

Convince someone with your confidence and you can fool the most seasoned executive, but be over confident with your friends, and no one gets past the first five minutes. No one has the perfect life, and no matter how much they brag or look in control, nothing is written in stone, except life and death. It is important to choose your causes, and pick your sides, but be wary of the signs they carry. If you need to make a scene, you could inspire others to think you might be a leader, and that can only lead to disillusion. I saw the cutest cartoon, while doing some research on this, of a woman, dressed as a farmer, with a large pitchfork, over her shoulder, and the child that she walked passed, thought while sitting on some hay, "she must be really hungry." You know, that is cute, because, I like the view of the innocent, how can we stand in the way of the young and color their precious future with anything less than what is true, what is pure and what is right. People do things wrong, but we choose to take it in through the leaders, and the "fruit" we choose. We walk to the tree and we pick that fruit, ourselves, and its only the children who cant pick it themselves. Some people like fruit that is dead, and filled with maggots, and it a world that is harsh and dry this is a feast, others demand a fruit that is geneticaly altered and colored by gas, with it perfections hidden in microscopic details, some like the fruit fresh from the tree, grown in their backyard, and has skin that is washed by the shirt they wear. For now, fruit is dormant, here in the USA, but luckily the seasons have not taken anger with us, the skies are friendly and the insects are still fighting the good fight. Go ladybugs go!

The season of spring has sprung, and in the midst of all the worlds troubles, there are baby birds chirping and waiting for a wiggling worm, there are trees being pollinated by buzzing bees, and it is just as it has been since - well as far back as the first farmer, it is time to sew seeds. I am going to enjoy the silence of the seed and the gentleness needed to sew it safely, and the wonder of the promise of this magic I have taken part in.

I ask for the honor to lead you in the invitation to a smile, because I always say, Smile when you say that to me...


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