Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Part two February Saints

Have you ever been in one of those tricky situations where all the information is put in your lap? You know your head says you have the option to flee and that seems easy but your heart gets the better of you and your filled with compassion and together with the Holy Spirit you decide to move mountains for your beliefs?

When you are called to do something you don't ask why, you just know you have to because every thread of your soul fabric will not let you forget it.
In this situation reality was the foe. You just can't offend people at school - it's just not done. You can't insult people's care of their child or the way they raise their child in a happy living situation.
Teachers can be fired and schools will be sued. Even if I am allowed to talk to the family, there's no real way for me to help her, I'd have to give this to a real doctor and then hope for the best. If I'm wrong I suffer if I'm right and she's helped it would be worth it. Ill suffer either way; she wins.

Fatima was this under sized child with Soft black hair and dark brown eyes. She was quiet but she looked determined . I spent time watching her that day doing crafts. She barely spoke, she kept her hands hidden and she did not complain. Her beauty surpassed her timidity for me . I could see her heritage in her was much like mine. The farmer, hearty people who work with their hands taught to be tough.

Tiny children with adult expressions and silent voices ... I could not bear it. We had Kaiser, I was blessed to have had my hip checked and fixed when I was young I wouldn't have walked without a good doctor. I received extensive care for my children why couldn't she get the same treatment ?! I felt it directly effected my child as well.

The teacher spoke with the parent and she approved the set up meeting. I would simply talk to her when she picked up her child. After saying many prayers before hand, my graciousness surprised her and this is exactly what happened.

Hi my name is Liz, my daughter is in the class with your daughter.
The Mother says her name but I don't remember it, she speaks broken English. But she smiled when she met me I felt relief. I said I would like to take a photo of your child's hands and show them to a Doctor if that's ok?
She is quick to agree and Fatima knows me well enough that she hugs me. I ask the Mother to stand behind her child in the photo and hold her closely while Fatima holds up both hands . I take several photos with my digital camera and then I ask if she knows what it is. Fatima's mother could not hide her feelings she has tears and says she really doesn't . She is painfully sad and said that the doctor they see said it was fungus but it was not getting better. Somehow they just stopped giving her fungus treatment and gave up. How could you just give up??
When every finger is three times larger than it should be, nails are missing and skin is cracked and severely damaged to the point where your child can't use her hands -- you DON'T Give up. How can you give up on your child ?!

I say with blind faith: I promise to do what I can to show my very good doctor, a pediatric specialist, at Kaiser.

That same day I post the photos on a private web page i am careful because to put the name and age of this girl with her phone number could be a bad idea. I had to make sure it was private. I posted the other photos I had taken of the Apple dolls on another page .. and I realize I have a doctor appointment for my youngest child!!

I am fired up with this new information . I am feeling very close to doing what I promised and so far so good with my diplomacy. I'm led to wait in a room while my child is vaccinated by a nurse I've never met before. She's extra nice, talkative and comments on how important it is to watch out for infections. I was stunned as she spoke of infectious diseases and how she was fascinated by studying them. Coincidence??
I knew this was my chance.

I said I am really worried about this young gal I'm my daughters classroom- would you mind looking at this photo??
Well- she wasted no time- I watched her pull up the webpage and she was absolutely glued to it. Her eyes lit up, she called over the nurses, and said she would give it to a doctor... I left thinking .. I had done my part.
I gave it up to these people and trusted .. Hardest thing I've ever done. It was like giving a key to my house to someone i really didnt know. These same people just injected my child, they have access to my entire medical health history - I better be able to trust them!
~There was no room for failure.

Two weeks went by and I had not seen anything-- change or happen. I sewed Fatima gloves for her tiny hands and gave her tea tree oil. I took the time to custom make gloves for her to look pretty and she was using her hands more. It was a band aid fix. She was still in severe pain.

Then I'm thrown off by this: called into the Principals office!

I am chided, chastised even for getting involved with Fatima. I'm yelled at, and he said-- I had no right.no right to take her photo, no right to speak to that parent. He claimed I was ignorant and rude.

My heart was broken and disturbed, this young girl wasn't mad at me. I had done no real evil to her. I had the patents consent!
The Principal was making it sound like a betrayal happened I was astounded and I knew better. I was ready to transfer my kids from this school at this point and now it was time. I looked at this contemptuous man and termed him nefarious -and watched him blow his top. What kind of a leader is this...
He signed the transfers for my kids but didn't bite his tongue about how he felt about that school either.

That was my jumping off point. The point of no return the moment when you know it's never going to be the same. I get the paperwork done for a transfer to Penngrove Elementary. And I begin the process of detachment.

Just when I'm at my darkest hour I am about to turn the corner.

It's Feb 14 1999, I'm thinking about the Saint of love that day. I have a book about Saints of all religions and this day we send cards and celebrate a Saint Valentine and I'm fascinated by his story that few really know anything about. But its traditional to show love to all on this day. I'm praying for myself and my family I am grateful for new beginnings. I carry on . Each day I pick up my children from school today would be no different. I head to my daughter class with my youngest in tow, and I turn to see the door of her classroom I see Fatima's mother standing by the door with six other children with her. They look dressed up and waiting for someone,
I get close and she recognizes me, and jumps into my arms with a huge hug!! She's clearly happy and her children follow suit! I feel like the lady who brought seeds to the pigeons they were all over every inch of me!
She can barely speak but she hands me a gift and says I want to thank you for saving mr daughters hands!! She says thank you with vigor about ten times!!
I looked with great joy and anticipation as she says she was seeing a county Doctor that misdiagnosed her. My Doctor had diagnosed her with a rare form of "ELEPHANT ITIS " and without proper care she would have had to have them amputated. What a horrible thought!!
Oh my!! Kaiser sued in her behalf and won she was awarded a life time settlement of malpractice and she now had specialized care for her entire family . She was infinitely grateful and my heart sang!! I really did heal her.

If I had not cared and asked and put my comfort aside to do something small task that wasn't exactly hard- this child would have been neglected.

This is my point. What I did was easy for me. It was something I could do. For Fatima it was impossible she would never have asked for help. Her mother did what she thought was right and did not have the inclination to reach out to another parent on her own. The school obviously did not know or care! They put their worried ostrich head in the sand and pretended it wasn't any of their business.

Who's business was it? Gods angels. People who choose to use their life for good NURSES, teachers, Doctors and involved loving parents. Complete strangers doing good for people. It was just another day for us, a job for the doctor. It meant the world to Fatima and her whole family people who clearly needed help but they could not begin to know how to ask for it.

I believe I was lead to her for a reason. And I hope this story reminds you- if you don't care who will??

Ask and you shall receive.

Happy healing!

Footnotes : this story is verifiable and the photos are most like still searchable on the web: my website was a free site with homestead and the other tags world be " momswhocare enchanted forest Richard Crane elementary, Rohnert Park Ca. Apple dolls.

Google has messed up my blog and only access it through my app on my cell phone. It's like the big fish eating the small fishes . It's not important to have this perfectly typed. These stories have been - seriously difficult to publish - the fact I can now. Is another Miracle. Somehow many are deleted .

True stories of Faith. My GORK life.
I don't tell you what to think. Just think.


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