I listen to a whole lot more comedy now, because when comedians can do the president better than he does, its time to get with the program. When SNL can do political advertising for both sides and the woman who is portraying herself, doesn't even know she is condemning herself, and still blame the media, well- the -world is really watching...I was watching I was laughing, I was rewinding, I was posting I was thinking this is too good to be true!
Joe Rogan, is a comedian and he does some great stand up, he made some great comments on how dumb we are getting, and how we don't really even know how dumb we really are! Well- its an adult show, and I don't recommend it over Obamas Speech today, as far as --inspiring kids, but for inspiration for adults you can count on some belly laughs. Why is everyone so wound up for hating Obama, I posted a "good job" on face-book today, and people I don't even know, thought it was a good time to post comments like-- " He just is such a phony- " Ironic that he talks about-- false identities"--Weird, because -- he never said that-- and I know -- I said I wanted him to compel kids off of myspace and facebook and computers, but he was perfect in his delivery of what was -- a great- speech to help kids know more about where his heart is, and what he wants for them to focus on, what is so wrong with that?
Did one kid ask about Universal Medicine? yes ``that little outspoken @#$%, did have a question pop out ,---from the mouth of a babes! We wonder where they learn such behavior...I can hear my daughter, --"blaming the child and lie and shame, you know exactly who's to blame..the mother and the father.....ompa loompa" I said take me down the rabbit hole!
I think that it would be great if we could have affordable health care, not just for babies without parents, or teens without parents, or the elderly or the disabled, but for anyone who wants to contribute part or some of their wages, just like we do for our jobs, even for those who really don't have jobs, or money, they too can find care. PGE and E has affordable "care" opportunites, for everyone to pay a little at time.
Shouldn't health care be as essential, as the rest of our minimal needs. In Redding if you cant pay your city of redding bill, you are evicted from your own house, even if you own it!! WOW-- what is the thinking there? You cant afford to poop, or shower, so out on the street, to do it---on someone else's dime....In California its a law, you have to have car insurance, and you have to have insurance against someone whos not insured, but if they dont have it, --then how can you get money-- PEOPLE we pay for those who arent insured already--why not make them at least pay a minimal -- my AAA wants me to pay-- for medical Insurance...through my car insurance for someone else if I hit them....WHAT THE HELL? What about me? Okay, I worked for years and they took money from my check and when I needed my insurance, UNITED HEALTH CARE, that gets money from the worlds largest compaines, who funds the uninsured, cancelled my insurance, they wanted to sue my employer...Insurance is a scam, I am paying to not get sick I am paying to not hit someone, I am paying to live in a house, and have the right to pay for my Mortgage, but if I need anything from them-- they dont care=-~
When will anyone regulate the money given to these insurance companies? I bought into the world of work and pay and take care of me...No one in NY Corpprate Co. cares.....about the little guy-- down in California---It's time, to really see--People are worth it! And we can do it with style-- we could have nurses in Schools again, and they could help with kids, we should have dentists at school! Teach kids how to brush We could really rethink so many things, and would it really be so bad? I remember my school nurse room, it was a haven for the bruised child, no matter what happened at school, I could always count on my nurse. Adults, should think about that----
Our cities and states, offer care for those in fires, for those who are criminals, for those who are working for the state or the city, those of us, that dont work for the government would also like to benefit from our taxes. Now we know the government already knows our personal information, they have access to any information, and if you think that its new that the IRS knows your detailed and sorted life, wake up! Don't pay taxes, and you will not be forgotten, you will have a brand new understanding of Federal care. We pay for plenty, with our jobs, with our taxes, with our lives, our children and our ancestors. Our families are here because they fought hard to be here , we are proud to say that, but the truth is, not everyone can fight. Not everyone should fight, and you know what-- maybe we should start fighting germs and leave other people alone, we might actually get somewhere.
If we say good job, it should not be for -- fighting, it might be best for us, to working towards a new way of thinking.
I want to remind everyone of the reality of the song that I heard in a dream, it was May 1 2001, and I remember the little boy with a huge gun, he stood over the body of an American Soldier he had just shot down dead, and he looked up to me, while the dirty orange sand swirled in the dry wind all around us, he sang this song to me....
How can you just walk away, when you just shot and killed someone?
How can you look at me and say that isn't wrong?
How can you just walk away, when you just shot and killed someone, ' How can you say your bringing the peace, when you have to have that gun,
How can you say your helping me, when you just shot and killed someone?
How can you lie to me and say that isn't wrong.
How can you just walk away when you just shot and killed someone....
cant we just stop and think, are we killing someone with behavior we think is peaceful and yet is not? , Walk together and sing, lets not shoot down our people, or their people, lets listen to the children, and sing their songs, of freedom...
Great Job Obama, take charge with words of inspiration, dont kill us with ego.