I think its time for a break from all the seriousness of the news today and just HAVE A LITTLE FUN!
I know we are all supposed to be so aware of the worlds issues, its a terrible time to be human. The downgrade of the USA credit, the stock market has crashed, and everywhere news is showing us doing more crimes, more hateful riots, more scenes of sadness...and in HD too. BUT really-0-Have you seen the bargains, omgosh girls this is a great time for us shoppers- there are stores that are selling brand names for less, and we don't have to be in an air port or know-that they are illegal knock-offs. You can get so many amazing electronics on sale for practically -nothing...unless you want to watch the news, or read the internet news...its your choice,]=
We all can choose to see the headlines, or we can say today I choose a different truth. Today I choose to be good to me, and even though I care about all that other stuff going in the world, since I cant change it all -=-and its not going to be the worst thing that ever happened, today I am going to tune out the negative stories all around me. No matter what, the world goes on, life goes on with or without you knowing the news, and tomorrow will be new news, you can afford to miss one day. Or two to or even three.
Remember when it was a big deal to see the glow of a digital watch, and they were only for the rich? How about the calculator, remember that? It used to be those were so expensive, you were really in the elite crowd to own one. Well those days are gone, you can get a calculator in any size, shape color for any kind of math problem and you can get it at the local Target. We take that for grantid, like so many other great achievements, we have accomplished, once its been done, it seems as if we humans just get over it, and go on to the next best thing. No one talks about how great we were, because its just not done. We don't rest, we don't sit, we don't enjoy or even relax in the moment, because we fear we will get behind, we wont be better than someone else...
When we take the time, to sit and relax, we can clear our minds and let go of all that has come to pass. Take a moment now to appreciate your life, your own space that you behold. Observe your surroundings and take stock of what you can do that is positive. Talk to yourself, its ok. Tell yourself, that you are ok no matter what happens on that TV or radio or outside those walls. And if you are reading this and you are a traveler, I hope that you are able to really able to find peace in the moment by observing the rush of being not in control of your surroundings, and just accepting that all around you is life. Life happens around us, and its what we do that happens to us, usually. Beyond the truly unexpected, and the unusual, we can see that it is what we do that effects us. So why then do we worry? Why then do we complain? Why cant we just be at peace...
I remember that "days like these" came and went when I was a child too, it seemed like the adults back when I was young were much more, should I say, HUSH HUSH about the shame of the day. We just didn't want to know what Nixon was doing, our parents were stoic about that. Why do we need to know everyone's business now? Why do we need to know that that woman hurt her child, that man stole that money, that company is going down the tube? When will the news start to be the good news, the good story ? When we stop watching the hole and start watching the doughnut...? My Father loves to say that. He has all these quaint and sweet phrases that seem to medicate my day with old fashioned antidotes, these traditional things we used to say that charmed even the saddest moments. Each day he'd leave for work and say, I am off to see the wizard! what a nice way to say goodbye-without saying goodbye! It was no illusion to me where he was going, even if he said that to me every time.
Well, not remembering things the way they really happened is a dangerous concept, and will most likely end in disaster.
We know that history has taught us much about the human experiment. Whether you believe we evolve or that we are divinely guided there is always pain, there will always be disappointment. And where there is a time and a place to be sad, and feel compassion, remember how far we really have come. We should try not to let the news of today, color the great traditions we have made for ourselves here. We are the artists in this life, we choose the crayon right from our own box of colors, its no ones job but our own to pick out our moods color. If I resolve to be blue, I can laugh at myself, and I can nurture myself, and you can choose to like it or not. I cant paint you blue, or bright red, or black as night. We are humans, and if we are going to survive this world of shame and blame, its time to start remembering our greatest achievements, our greatest moments and relish in that moment. It is enough, we cant ask for more right now, not even a second serving. What we have is enough, because today- right now--everything is open and available for everyone...in the USA. It really is, so much more than what was available or for those that were here in the beginning of this century. We dont need to go that far back, think about those that were trying to survive just 50 years ago. When we look back, we really have it made today. Freedom is being fought for on so many levels, and though life will never be perfect we are surely going in the right direction, at LEAST in the way of communication. You don't have to talk about anything, but in this year of 2011, you can talk about anything. I don't let others with negative influences put me in a box, no matter who they are. I am so proud of my friends that are working directly with others to help battle slavery, and injustices of human rights!! Way to go ! HUMAN RIGHTS if you dont know how luck you are to have them, wait until you DONT! Its ok to say NO, its ok to be you! Its ok to travel, its perfectly all right to have FUN!!
I hate to say it, but shopping in this great country is a great triumph, we can buy just about anything we could possibly want, really. We hardly need money with all the ways you can buy, plastic cards hold the key to access any products we can imagine. We have so much to choose from, we shop ourselves into thinking we need more than the person in the store with us, its not just the Jones' we keep up with now, its the famous. Still, even with all that we have achieved we should admit, under the surface, beneath it all, the same truth exists now that has haunted us from the beginning of time. Loneliness.
Nothing cures the feeling of alone, no money or material item can achieve it. We all need to be connected, and we all need to be accepted. So we shop, we go out, we talk, we write, we drive and we work. We also care, and hopefully we laugh and find those who will laugh with us, and keep us from getting too serious. Times have been tough, that will not change if we can never be satisfied with what we have. The more we give in to the world of want, the less we actually have.
Laugh now, while you can, it can get worse...and if we dont care to make sure that our youth is laughing we are setting the stage for those that may seek forceful control, like those that hurt so many, with unforgiving resentment.
Laugh at yourself, today if you haven't lately. Look at your phone and your stove and your sport shoes and think what would your Grandfather would have said to you, about how much they cost and how you must be very rich to have them. And it will be true. You have so much! More than meets the eyes; you have the richness of knowing now, what no one knew back when your Grandfather was your age...
You dont have to be better than anyone, you can be you, and that is sufficient. You are enough for you...
Grace and peace be with you, today and always.