Once in a lifetime...it will only happen once...
that was a funny song that I once sang, back in the day..OK now I know what that means, it means I am telling a story and "back in the day" is code for-- stop listening...according to miss manners . I can laugh at this, but the truth is, most of the problems I face are due to my past upbringing, and experiences. I am much like the most of the over thirty something, now forty-something people, either in two classes, over educated or undereducated.
I am one of those that has, plenty of experience, but not enough certificates to show for it. It comes off as character, or worse people think your have too much personality to get along with. I have seen this over and over, with some that do not agree with you, you think its going to nourish you and you get ready to dig in deep. Sadly, its not what you expected, once you get there and see, it's not at all what you knew it should be like. It's like pouring out milk to drink, and not knowing its spoiled until after it is in your mouth, and that odd flavor, and then the reality that its going down the drain. Dumping out old things is fine if you have plenty to spare, if there is so much that you just cant use it all , but it's a much different story when its slim pick-ens... Today fear of war, and the economy is the dark knight that cuts deep into the pockets of all, worry cuts deeper into our sleep patterns, and weaves itself into our lives through our faces when we look at those around us with disdain. Wasting what was once things that were really great, is just that a waste. Unused abilities are no less of a shame than the lack of them; the ripest of fruit hangs on the tree, until it is finally eaten by birds or falls to the ground to poison the tree with rotten worms. Is it better to just hang on and try then to let go, and become waste? Fruit like beauty is in the taste and the eye of the beholder. I have seen entire trees laden with fruit, that no one had even picked, just turning to syrup on the dirt, why even have a tree that fruits if you don't eat it? It should be an agreement, to take care of that tree when you buy it, to enjoy the fruits or find someone who will. Letting it waste should be unlawful, and cause others who take it, to not a thief. Where am I going with this? Well, as I sit here and write this, I meditate on the causes I have given myself unselfishly too, I ponder my existence, and I shutter to think that I may have lost that once in a lifetime chance to put in roots with an employer that has long since passed. My "lucky chance" as McCartney puts it, what would he be doing if he never tried to just play music? he can't read it, and does not even want to --He cooperated with himself to bring himself thus far, and no one could take that away. Personality, yes, and what is better, appreciated for it. So what is going on ...
Once in a lifetime, you can expect disaster, but to me this economic hurricane took on a new level when it ate up not only houses, but business, and basically the entire state of California, with its teachers and schools and jobs and worse children. Once, it should only happen once, we keep saying that, then our cars companies start to dissolve and then our parks go unwatched, and then we all of sudden realized we are never going to be a democratic state, or a republic without a civil revolt from either side. Retirement is an anomaly for anyone not working for a top ten fortune 500 company, or the Fed. GOV, that is odd... Civilization as we knew is turning upside down. Life was we once knew it, is changing all right, and there are some very sore losers who are willing to be right at any ones expence, when no one wants to cooperate, then what do we have? Are there problems here or personality differences? Is congress, the government, and big business working for cooperative USA or are they --acting like old fruit? Are they hanging on to something that is not tasteful, or are they being wasted and over looked? Is it cooperation, or corruption?
Cooperation problems are not unique, over and over, not just once, the same problems over and over. See how we watch the world ,and see countries, tribes and religions doing the same things over the centuries, a constant circle of social patterns in either cooperation or coruption.
Cooperation is a term that is so easy to understand, and yet so often ignored. Unless your talking about kindergarten or your volunteer team at church, your version of cooperation becomes tainted when money is involved. The amount of a persons worth, it is determined by how much that they have to cooperate, and the less they have to cooperate the more they are likely they are to be paid well or be in power of something really important, for real control of anything suggest complete power, and well complete power leads to curruption. As you go down the totem pole, the reality is, cooperation is duly for the lower classes, the mass and the underpaid.
Cooperate, when you have to save your company and sell out, cooperate and gain money from government, cooperate and get a great job. But try to be you, try to have some standards, try to bring your values and morals about anything with you when you come, and now, your not cooperating. Now your just a liberal, or maybe your a Christian, or the opposite, you just don't want to adhere to any standards and that too can be corrupting. Names are only ways to control people, they put us in a place to be judged and that is corruption, generalities can offer cooperation. Say people-- not controlling edge marking names that separate us. We the people, in order to form.. It wasn't we the Christians, or the blacks or whites or left or right, it was PEOPLE!
Balance can arrive when both parties are willing to see the moment of change and allow a little from both sides to remain, the best of both worlds. Once in a lifetime you can achieve such balance, but its not going to happen everyday. It may only happen once, do not be surprised if once it has , it just isn't going to happen again soon. If we are going to survive, we will have to have change--cooperate, that would be a change.
Let's take stock, my own circumstances depend on my cooperation, and if I was in a better financial standing my leverage ability would be greater, more would want to cooperate with me, but since I am not I must cooperate with everyone else. Thus in the economic realm, it is the same, the more you have, the better the applicants for cooperation remain, but the lack of financial growth directly effects my ability to get cooperation, and apply for it. If this is named socialism, then we all run away, if it is generalized as cooperation, then it can work against curruption. HAVE AND HAVE NOTS REMAIN...THIS IS in a state of capitalistic freedom, I would still see the chance for growth in new business with those that are much the same as me, self starters and driven dreamers. But if I was convinced that i lived somewhere that I had too much government and not enough business, I might still want to buck conventionality and fight for what I believe in just to be able to create my own freedoms.
My life depends greatly on others, and cooperation is something I do strive for, all though its not the lack of if that keeps me out of the lime light. It is usually my own hand, or head, I can sometimes not even cooperate with MYSELF, strange as that sounds, its often true. I just hate it when , I am sure I can get so much done for me and it turns out -- my life had a different idea. Or, the time when I was so gungho to exercise and run, and get out and we had three months of smoke filled days during the summer of 2008. What a disappointment that was! My mother always emphasized the ability to deal with your problems well, is far more important that the problems themselves. But that never stayed with me long, I fall down and sometimes enjoy sitting there for awhile, taking a rest. When I get up, I am never quite the same, and I know that I dwell on it long after. I give it to God, I try to let go, and even strive to get past it. That is almost uncooperative with-- the choices that befall me. Uncooperative, with what is not good for us, that is like excess in control. And good luck with that. That is uncooperative with depression or anger or sugar or conventionality? See, there is the dilemma, at one point we are saving ourselves, then the line is blurred, to me its freedom and to you its just annoying. And the richest person or company can still be frivolous, and distasteful, so where do we hold our candle, what test can be the ultimate say. With the Bible we can quote many great phrases of knowledge, in fact there are countless antidotes of wisdom available pro or con the life we choose.
Its a question of peace, its the answer of living with ourselves, and our death can only judge. If you died today, would you regret doing or not doing something? Will you go to judgment with your secrets or satisfactions that you grew substantially in both body and mind, for yourself, and in the world. Did you really give it all you had to cooperate, and if you can say, yes, then I suppose your doing well. Once in a lifetime, it will only happen once, because it wont happen the same way, ever again. Cooperate or corrupt.
Thank You From Panda Publishing
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