Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

BATMAN wanted...

With all that this country is doing now, a BATMAN, would sure be welcome, until then, does "today's ROCK music" still have the voice of revolution and the power to create another "Woodstock", or is it just a way to to separate the generations. Now is the time, for an awakening, Music is the language we all understand.

Or is it? I know I am feeling old when, I start to hear a band my kids like, and I think, that's just not music. Or oh dear, what is this world coming too... I might as well get out my knitting!

I was in a club, looking for Ashley, and it really dawned on me, I am old to these people! And worse, I do not get this music. I was sitting there, and when I finally talked to a couple of the kids, I joked about telling them the last musicians, I had met. They did look at me like, okay lady...I dont even want to try to --be cool...

When I listen to the radio , I do get tired of some of the same old stuff, and I love to hear music that is in Movies, the soundtrack people are amazing! My mother knows all the good music, shes always telling me to listen to this artist, or that song, shes great! I love that, and I can always trust my Jazz, or my classical. But, why do we have to get old? Some people seem to never grow up, mature and get dull, ever notice they don't have any kids either...people say kids keep you young, I doubt that!

I love my family, and don't get me wrong, I would always want to be with them, but we all have a different choice for music, especially ASH and NOL, even though they humor me with some of the "older" songs they know I like. Music gets me through some tough times and I often need the uplift of a good acoustic melody-- for healing. Life as a musician must be difficult, so much to take in, I wonder of congress, or politicians think the same way.

Inside all of us, is our song, and we all need to dance to our own music, some of us dance slow and some of us dance-- in a square, and some of us boogie-- if we cant find ways to "get together and feel alright", there is surely a revolution on the horizon, and it wont be, the have and have nots, it will be the old ways against the young change--- I sure hear it every day in the people I meet-- and the elderly are the most outraged!

I just have one song, and I will put it on the link at the top==="alice's restaurant..." if your too young to know it, take a minute to listen, if your old enough to know it and have to say something unkind...its not too late to change your mind....

BATMAN: wanted to save the music, and the people.....

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