Reporters thrive on the world's misfortune. For this reason they often take an indecent pleasure in events that dismay the rest of humanity.
Russell Baker
I am giving up on the news.
I have already given up on Television, and thought I could escape the non-news by just picking the good news from the internet....but this is no longer a choice is it???...Everywhere I go on the net now I have to get "headlines" What is this --Headline news? I see a photo, and then a little line, like--Father shaves daughters head,...in jail, then, I click on it, and think--why did I care? Now you see ads and pages of words and somewhere on your window it shows you this tiny tidbit of information, you thought--- well you can just peek in for a minute and see what the hullabaloo is all about. But then you cringe at the thought that you fell for it, its not even much more than a few lines, and all it does is make you wonder, since when does stuff like this make my personal in box? No wonder it takes me forever to just look at my email. My email, my "public" email gets hundreds a day, granted from facebook, but also from news and media and who knows what else, spammers, people who know my name, but I don't know them! A person could get paranoid if they wanted to! Alas, I am not that-- popular, and even though it is easily downloaded it is even more easily deleted. Yea, I do love the mass deletion methods, and often cheer myself on as I delete a hundred or so at a time....weeeeeeeeee.
Remember when Email was just---plain as can be? Remember when it had three things on it? Inbox, send and trash, what happened? I don't know how they managed to get advertisements and stationary, and applications, and folders, and what is this, an INSTANT MESSAGE ?!! Now I cant even read my email, because someone is talking to me---help! I don't believe in information over load for adults, I know we can handle it. But I thought these advanced Microsoft, cisco, att, yahoo people invented "spam" filters, and you know what-- if I did not put it there, it is spam. If I don't want ads, because I pay--good money for this ridiculously --hoodwinked --inbox, then why do even see ads? Or headlines? Today, I have a whole new inbox! It is like they are punishing me! Remember when it was fun, well guess what-- WE ARE IN CONTROL WE HAVE CHANGED EVERYTHING AND NOW YOU HAVE NOTHING!!! HAHAH
that is what it reminds me of-- I tasted what I was not supposed to. And now....
Yahoo, and ABC and CNN and headline news---all those reporters and up loaders might think that people want to know the sorted ugly---details of every ones hardships, but in fact we would be much better off NOT KNOWING other peoples business!!!! It used to be just the tabloids that spread the downfall of others, has celebrity gossip given into reality--gossip? By Jove....
I might theorize that now that we have the "economic disaster", it is the fault of the internet! I believe that this bad-reporting of evil and garbage has been a catalyst for the internet spawned thoughts that we can say and do what ever we want on cyber space and no one gets hurt, no one needs to know , and no one spells it right, so hey it doesn't even count right? It used to be that--celebrities were celebrated, Presidents were presidential, parties were fun, and news was weather, sports and current updates on things to do in your home town. The common news used to be that no one carried on like a bunch of teenagers commenting on the lives of others. By selling us this mixed media--of sales, gossip, insults, right -wing left wing---"terrorist" lables......feeding us the cookies for bait, and we take it ----they are stealing our freedoms, by stomping on our pursuit of happiness. We have the right to choose our own way of life, it does not always fit into right or left, or white or black or conservative or liberal, we are not insulted by this jargon, we are make to suffer for it. We are dumber for believing it. It is not any different than going to be vaccinated for being stupid, there is not one injection of information that can give you what you need, you can't buy it or sell it or get it quickly, we have to learn to learn, re-learn, re--invent, and keep moving forward.
My generation, we believed what our parents told us, but while we were touring the factory, we got thirsty, we were curious, and we have drunk the fizzy lifting drinks and now what-- we are stuck in the top of the fan, and trying our damnedest to back out of the problems, by sheer force.
well its kinda like that-- because--we think we can just do what ever we want and no one notices, because then it hits the fan.... and we realize, that we opened that bottle, we had fun, but at what price? In the movies we find little anecdotes that help us to relate to real world issues, but nothing is as strange as real life. We only wish we could just turn off the political machine, but we can not. We only dream that we can make things better with a bottle of bubbles, as alcoholic as that sounds, its not too far from the truth. Pandora's box, is a great myth, or is it? When do we go too far with words? I say, it is when all we read and say, has such threats of harm and insults of cruelty that our imagination need not be used, then we have forgotten our agreement with civilization. When did it become normal for people to wage war against the people who disagree with us? Well, it seems fitting that the same people who just went to war, sold us a war, and based it on something that proved to be untrue, is now waging a war on those that disagreed with the alternative to war in the first place. Madness!
Being sucked into the reality of the American blender, leaves us all, dead. we should some of us, remain grounded, stay focused and not I repeat not, enjoy the ride.
( and those that insist on getting into the mixer...well)
We at the bottom of the barrel, dream of a better life, by opening the up the bottle of change and drinking in the tiny bubbles, making us drunk with freedom and hope, while we clearly know, we will never escape the grind of harsh realities. At the top, the blender is still spinning faster than ever, and mixing, adding people and words, and color and fat, sex and sugar, and it will never end. Not by the force of our human hands, it will rely on someone to turn off the mixing machine, and decide to stop making money off the products they sell.
BUT---If that was true, if it only takes someone to stop selling us the cookie cutter life, when will we stop buying it?
ps-- they took away my spell check too!! MUTANY!! HAL!!
Thank You From Panda Publishing
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