Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Monday, September 14, 2009

shot me straight from the heart

It is raining here today, the sun shines above the clouds, and I don't miss it. The soft sound of the rain, settles the spirit after such a hot summer, I am listening also to my NPR radio station, and pondering the speech about our economy. Chris rests in his own bed, safe and dry, while my other two kids are in school. Steve has my car and I am grateful, for his car's tires made me skid this am, I like the first rain, and the skidding tires.
The quiet house, needs me to tend to it, but I spend time sipping coffee, and checking on my friends on Face book. I chat with my Dad in Texas, we check in and I look forward to that each morning. My Father likes to make sure I am doing ok each day, I like to do the same for him. After I am done I switch back to FB, and I make little comments, likes, and I even return a prayer to my Auntie in Washington I don't think I have seen in 7 years. I feel close to her that she sends me notes, and it warms my heart that she took the time to care and send me this little image and words.
It is a powerful pull, the need to be close to those we love it binds us together, and feeds our heart and soul. Looking at photos of my family helps me to feel close too, I love it when I get those little emails that I spend more time looking at the photos, than I do reading the words. Even those emails forwarded with photos that they did not take, but have adorable animals doing silly and fun things, I like that ! I don't mind that at all! Laughter really is the best medicine; distractions of joy, are worth it.
I like it when I get to read about stories that people put their heart into, and I am most impressed with those professionals that have busy careers, and travel and have almost no time, but manage to find the moments to write a blog. I love personal stories that transform us to live better, be ourselves and does not condemn others. I am grateful to read blogs, and see the comments and I know that is a safe way to connect online.
I could blog, and chat and email, and write all day long, I like to write, and would like to make a living writing. I need to make a better living at it, and have at least two books that need to get published. I self publish, but would love the sales from an order that would transeform my life and enable me to start a business and help others to do the same. I am a chicken admittedly-I hope to grow out of that image and turn myself into, a writer, and unabashed. I have so much to do, and accomplish, and I find that everyday is a new challenge, and in meeting those challenges I am much happier when I can unwind at the end of the day with good food, friends, and music.
Conversations at dinner always make us laugh, and I look forward to some plans this fall of a Festive Halloween party, and outside dinning and music. Libations, and costumes are optional.
I hope to start to close the gaps, in my connections with my teens, that prove to be a constant distraction from my own schedule and money making skills, and reduce my ability to find excuses to let time go by without making the progress I have to make. Pray good things for me today, if you will, I can tell when my friends and family are praying for me. My life is so much better, and I even feel better. I will be praying to God for you, be well, and keep in touch.
Blogs are easy, you can make one, email is quick I'd love to get one from you, and photos are fun, so, go ahead-- make my day-- shot me a photo.
Love Always,

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