In my never ending search for perfection, I find it necessary to write about all things wise and wonderful that has past before me, and I am so grateful for all of it.
Coffee, good coffee is where I'd like to begin, and doesn't it make for the best of days? The best coffee for me is nice and strong, freshly ground and with flavors that are organically rich in nuts and cocoa. I have several I like from Costco, but they are hardly fair trade, and then there is the old standby PEET'S which is like Coffee Heroine! So strong that one good cup has the virtue to stand up to entire of day of stressful work, driving, and chores. There is that little pick me up at the tea time hour of 3 or 4 that begs for coffee or tea, and it does revive the soul, like it should. Mindful alertness, that can offer a lift for the sorrowful soul or the downtrodden day. Even in hot weather I can drink coffee, I was enjoying it at the beach hot just the other day! I love coffee, and tea, but it has to taste smooth, and big on the tongue.
Music, the wonderful gift of something that for me feels like food, clothing or education. Who doesn't like music, so many choices, so many talented people to see performing, and without it we might all just wither away. From the far reaches of time there was music, and even in nature we can hear the rhythm of the waves, the song of the bird, and the voice of the wind in the trees, it is all around us, and it is often as free as wisdom is in the library, you can find it, you can see it and hear it, but you must seek it out. Classical piano with its perfect pitch, composers like Beethoven or Mozart, and Handel. Jazz has so many greats I cant even list, but in all moods there are made for listening musical pieces. Have you ever put on a DVD just listen to the score of the movie? Some are truly amazing, Lord of the Rings, and Miyazaki makes his own score for his animated features! Music clothes the mind it feeds the soul and it motivates the body, it is my favorite thing of all, and its simply amazing we have ipods and iphones.
Conversation, the kind that does not intimidate with posturing, or politics, the kind that is sincerely in the moment, and can withstand a little humor, self jibing, and personal judgements. It is ok to talk about how you feel about politics, and I will listen to your point of view about the President and his positions. I will not however be a punching bag for your personal agenda against a political party, so that you can grandstand about something that really you have no intention of ever really doing anything about! When did it become the norm to vent to anyone who will listen? It used to be a sign of insanity to talk about the world in such a doomsday er way, best of all, those that did stand in public and make dramatic scenes without factual basis, that is to say ; If you have something to fight for, then go and do it, I am not the one in charge, do I look like I am in charge?
Religion, faith, spirituality, God, and all that supernatural stuff. Did I ever tell you that I wrote a book about my true stories ? It's called GORK, that is a medical term that I learned from a great game, balderdash. It is the word the staff and Dr's will use, when they have no idea why the corpse died or how they died, its just a mystery, and GOD ONLY REALLY KNOWS, is the full meaning of the acronym for it. If you are a person that is afraid to talk about your personal inner sanctuary of belief, then don't, and if you are offended by my belief, that God does exist and I believe that we should care and do things for the people, for HIM and HIS son, I do not apologise for my belief. I will not however, confront you about your faith, or demand that you believe what I do, I don't think this is the way to a kind hearted life, I would hope that you might know God from your own choices, and if you should need to know about the secrets of the Universe you might just wonder and ask yourself these questions: Why does the Bible exist?
Why is it sold in so many languages, and how is it that it can tell history of so many cultures from centuries past? What is my family tradition, did my family believe this?
and then ask yourself if you can explain all the things in your life, can you? Can you explain everything? Of course not, and this is where intelligence comes in, we know we cant know it all, and therefore that brings us to, how did we get here? Not just from the beginning but from --dirt huts, rocks and eating fish...How did we get to be who we are today?
I hope you have had some events in your life, that cannot be explained, that are so amazing that you have to believe they were divinely guided to you, and directed just for you, if you don't, and you can even say you are the believer, don't be discouraged, I have enough mysterious stories to share. Stories are like friends, once you have been exposed to them, you can chose if you want to remember them or let go of them. But if that were not enough, the Bible does, have its place for faith building, for amazing stories and for following the knowledge that brought us all here. Even if you think that the Bible left out details and changed a few things, is this not true of our history books? So we cant say that we will ever know everything that we can, just from what we read, or what people tell us, it is all up to us, what we do in order to believe. I never tell anyone that people can do what God can, I don't expect Godly things from people and I would not argue that religion in its purest sense is what it is, a system of belief, a cult or a habit. You make it what it is. I study the Lutheran stories because I like the fact that said, you cant buy your way into heaven, and you are not going to be able to out do God anytime soon, just be the best person you can be, Think about GOD in all you do, practice HONESTY, LOVE, and don't worry about the rest. If that is something you don't want to do, figure out your own way.
Happiness, joy and peace. Words that are often glued into our mind demanding something great or super fine, or expensive. Have you ever been talking to someone and they are telling you a story about their life, and maybe its an explanation of something they were unhappy with, and you think to yourself, that's nothing, I can top that... and then you think, should I tell them my story? or should I just, let them believe they have it worse...Happiness is when you are content to listen and let others tell you who they are inside, and you can believe them, and not want to show them constantly who you are, and the joy of life is the path we walk on. Joy for me, is when I can remember to laugh when I should give up, Joy for me is simply remembering that I can only do what I can do and let the world be what it is, then I can let go and enjoy...
Peace is the understanding that all things are here for us to learn from, for us to work on and for us to be in step with. Peace does not come from war, or from hatred, or from suing someone, or worse from blaming them for your problems, peace is the inner sanctuary we dwell in, secretly or not, it is there for us, we just have to take the time to go there. The more we dwell in peace, the more we will see it in others, the more it will color our choices and the better we will be in spreading to others. Peace is not just a fancy word, or a over used hippy phrase, its actually a physical thing I can see and touch. I see it on the news when they show people making a difference, I stroke its fur, when its a cat on my bed, its the smile on my child's face, its the dinner on the table. Its the forgiveness from an enemy, its the passage of time from a hurtful memory, it is always there, all around us, and not wavering, consistent and living, it loves us with a deliberate moment, we must in fact try to be in. Its not tomorrow, its not yesterday, it is like the present, the gift, and the Christmas always.
Money, wise and wonderful; If ever there was something I can admit to not understanding it would be the all mighty dollar bill, darn if it doesn't try to be my worse enemy! If only I would get that one thing to change, I can do most other things, but this one thing is my downfall. Is it my utter inability to be a cold hearted work-aholic, or is it my vast need to live in the moment...Possibly its the DNA that has been at work in my personality since birth to give all I have away, be an artist and live like a peasant...DON'T know, but I do not like poverty, I do not like sedentary lifestyles, and I would just like to ask for the Lord and the Universe to please pass the gift of money onto me so that I can achieve goals that I cannot afford at this time, and if that should sound ridiculous, I agree. Hard working since I was 13, and determined, goal setting , and healthy with no excuses, I think that prayer works and I do believe in miracles. The best part is that everyone is talking about the fall of the economy, the down sizing and the cut backs, and how we all can live on less, and do more, H A! I could write the book on that! Thanks to the fugile family I grew up with :) Its not a big change for us, but unemployment was for sure. Though I am deeply grateful for work now, and all that we have, it seems to be a little to late, I don't want to end up out on the street. I pray each day for hope and time, and healthy for all of us, for wisdom and all things wonderful ...
PS My sons girl friend needs prayers too, I do hope Lord that you find a way to give her the wisdom and peace that passes all understanding, not from this world Lord but from you.
In Christ, and in LOVE
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