The whole world has gone mad.
Unleash the Kracken! ..AhOY!
Oil Companies think they can convince us through television advertisements that they truly care about us...I find it fascinating that the billions of dollars they make isn't enough to ensure they do a safe and consciencous job. When will there be enough money made for the oil companies to think, we should do more than just wait for a disaster, we should actually stop pollution before it gets out of control. But if it's not the self serving, mass marketed, oil hunter we're going to worry about, its the petrolium thirsty vehicles, homes, business', that continue to pay the hefty price for our earths limited treasures. When is it a crime to steal from the earth?
When do we think its not ours to take?
How can we teach honesty, and honor when its first come first serve, and the criminals with the most money win?
Criminals do seem to be winning, dont they?We see them in the newspaper and on TV they get all the air time, do they have sponsors? The Madoff investor, that one guy, was a huge problem, and he knew so many famous people, he took money under every guise and spoiled lives and companies, and business', he was almost unstoppable! He did not get caught, he turned himself in! When he realized that he was not going to make some multi-million dollar payments, and people we're getting wise, he tried to protect the ones he showered with money, and they dont see the crime in keeping the things they own!!
Take a deep breathe, here, because this is where I am going with this! If my husband was the richest investor on earth, I would be happy, but if I found out that it came to us in a dishonest way, I would be crushed and would be the first to say -=- stop!! NO WAY, red FLAG!!
Note to self, if my boss has a giant screw on his desk, get a new job!
He's an easy target, we love to hate "that man" it's easy, he's had his fun now he should pay. There are far more nefarious people, that pose a threat to common citizens, it's those that lure you in with the guise of good will, they hold raffles and fun raisers, they organize rather effortly a trusted group of friends, begin the auction, sell the tickets or just plain collect the money, but watch that money!! Because it goes into the pockets of these women, and men; and in Redding Librarians, and School superintendants. Why would anyone want to take books from a Library? But they are willing to write checks to pay for books, that all teachers use S O IT SAYS IN PRINT IN THE PAPER!! and so many are blamed and persecuted in the papers, before anything is ever proven! IS nothing sacred, not even our children ~from our teachers and librarians?
We will be safer when all people who break laws are in jail right? I mean they surely put Martha away, and dont forget she did not get off easy! She had to eat dandelions in the grass... But hey they showed her! No excuses now! Now ask yourself, if you have never ever done anything even slightly illeagal! Never J Walked>what is that, not crossed in a safe place, on the corner or in a cross walk...OH NO! There are crimes for things you can not imagine!
don't believe me-- ?In Texas it is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.
Never so much as forgot to pay for something in the supermarket line, or even just taken some fruit to taste at the store? I know that each crime deserves the right kind of punishment, and the law states clearly what we can-- and CANT DO! That is not always taken seriously, in fact so many of our constitutional rights are being stomped on, isn't that a crime? DO you wave your flag over your rights and get them? We usually hire a lawyer to go to court, and we leave everything else up to common sense...Then why are the police involved in people's lives? People should not have to resort to the police to serve as personal secretaries taking note of every detail of someones sorted life, no matter how bad or sad it may be, its private! It should not be headline news. Headline news, is completely out of control, everyday we see and hear more crimes and learn more about people involved with crime, than we really should. Do we care about punishing them? I find it hardly civilized to see that people spend time posting onto chat rooms and articles sorted comments that do nothing but prove many people should not be allowed to use a computer.
There is no discipline for this! No way to stop it, NO CONTROL! Its a shame to see that this new world we live in has young people that claim, "I wont be controlled", it's a sign of the future, we are heading toward a mass of confusion of a generation of grow-ing ups, that don't take the kind of care of their elders they way should, everyday our elderly are abused, mostly for their money, but it can also be the mere lack of respect. Just because someone is old, does not mean they are dumb, quite the contrary they can teach us much about grace and life enduring difficult challenges not limited to physical, overcoming the stereo type of being is an "Elder" is an achievement in itself. Then there are teen and newly adult-children that wont be controlled, they will grow up to be adults that are out of control. Learn to understand this, gone are the days of discipline for children, we don't have any recourse to stop the child that doesn't want to be well mannered. Our military and our Jails will be active forever, with youngsters who could not heed to the word NO.
It makes me want to move, venture out onto the great and vast seas, and find a new land...but we cant do that can we? This is the last frontier right? Oh but we could all live in the Australian outback, got shovels? I might do it, but I would sure miss the beauty of my Bay Area, my silly city, San Francisco! Berkeley, and Marin...I would remember the food and the faces, and even though its crazy there, it's normal and accepted to be different...We can find a nice big old mansion somewhere and fix it up. Rent out rooms to college kids who need them ...
But who can move? Most of us cant budge, the housing market is now the biggest gamble...our neighborhood has completely changed since we've been here, and not for the better, I think.
Spare Room? Have you a spare room, is that the new phrase? Gone are the days of Spare Change...Now we need to rent our spare rooms that once gave us such hobby- joys as sewing, music, computing, or simply to store excess clutter. I recently heard an advertisement for a classy consignment shop, while listening to Classical Music on the radio station, KDFC out of San Francisco. Curious catch phrases like, do you need to turn that office into a spare room? Have that valuable old antique desk in good condition that is just sitting there, waiting to be sold and we can do it all for you! SO YOU CAN remodel your new spare room! Who is going to rent it?
When did we really need to have spare rooms? Is it because no one can pay their housing bills and children are moving back in with the parents? Or is it because the elderly need to rent a room in the house to pay the outrageous taxes on a paid for home in SF? Spare room, does it come with a wardrobe? Now say it in the Queen's English,..(sp aare oom), gosh if we all had one of those, we'd all just live in Narnia would we not? Anyone for Turkish Delight?
To be continued...( yes Forgive me for typos, I am not perfect...try laughing it helps)
HI My name is Liz I am from spare room...click the title at the beginning-for a preview of the new movie from the Chronicles of Narnia...The Dawn Trader.
Hi Liz, My google quotations this morning had Mark Twain saying 'when you realize we are all mad the mystery opens up'.
mad as a hatter! I hope you have had a chance to see the newest Alice in Wonderland with Jonny Dep, he's great! He makes sense of the Mad Hatter! Someone ruined his party with bad news! I would be mad too!
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