Do we think we are being watched via surveillance camera? Hmmm yeas I do.
Does it happen in public and in secret? Yes!
Does your local entity save film images to use for public safety, or for possible criminal investigation? Yes
Can you find anything on film?
Can you film anyone easily and make it available for public viewing?
Yes - with the exception of the same public authority that is filming you --- oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
This isn't a paranoid rant, or a prophetic feeling, it's a genuine concern. If the police do not want to be filmed and are protecting their right to Not be, under a wire tap law, shouldn't we?
I can say it's no big deal and we can all go back to our lives right? Except for there is only one more thing... Wouldn't it be great if your monitor was more than one way?
Remember in the movie willy wonks and the chocolate factory, with Jonny Dep, he says "it's television not telephone, very different! "
Why don't we have live interactive television? Why can't we talk back to the things we see on tv? When will real life come to our home via live two way cameras??
When will we have that technology we saw in the movie 2010 where the astronaut calls home from the space station and he sees his child on the screen? Aren't we in 2010??
Yes and most of us by now have seen skype and video chat . By now even cell phones can see us, but is it connecting us to those who can't leave home? Or don't know how to use cell phones or computers?
No! Of course not, these services are for the Internet savvy and for those willing to pay!!
I would like to change this, let me try to !!
Until video security is cheap and easy, remember there is still one big brother always watching always listening , and the price, paid in full. Prayers free, to a listening big brother Jesus, Christ He's got the all the right connections for your requests, your concerns and the best part it covers everyone all you need is faith.
Faith in computers? Not so much, faith in police - limited.
Faith it's a two way connection, and you get much more than what you see.
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Faith in God
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