Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday 2/18/13

Poetry always depressing but good perspective later on.

Fire and brimstone ?
Lent? I said I would give up men. And I went to church and thanked God I didn't have to do that!

Worshipping God and man is the American way!
It's not possible to take one from the others. Let it be.
Good to talk in person with those we truly love, time is the real value. Phones connect and save us.
Forever us
I really >>>>>Can't wait to move - sell my stuff - and go!! <<>>

No worries! I've survived this far! I am doing truly amazing for being quite in the middle of the road.
Signs of my good luck abound -
Check out the ashes that look more like a bird than a cross!!


1000 cranes love you !
The gift of an advocate. Proof in the form of a dove or white bird.



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