Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Reminder: An invitation to support "graphic art and Photography biz"

Elizabeth would like you to support
graphic art and Photography biz
by making a donation and helping spread the word.
I am Elizabeth, I am here on Go Fund Me, to raise funds to start a business I have been planning for many years.  I have been saving and working but its just not enough, my life has been a struggle and now due to the housing shortage in from the Fires in California I am pursuing a new career. I was looking for a place to live before the fires, here and working and commuting, there is no where to live here now, it's just a tough time. Even though i have an amazing resume and an education in Graphic art, there are just limited spaces available here .  I m willing to sell all I own, live in a motor home and   I will be moving to Nothern Caifornia area where I am planning to open a camera rental and photo printing and video uploading business.  I would like to be in Mount Shasta or Chico, either one will require a few important investments.   A large motor home to use for living and producing on site recording and uploading. I would like to invest in as many cameras, video cameras and cards as I can to use for rental purposes.  Software, a few small printers and I will use the giants suchs a Office depot, and such for the comercial bids.  I need to open a gallery possibly on the ski slopes in Shasta or in the town of Chico or Redding, it would be a place to get gear and showcase the images and films for sale.   I also want to have gear that I am designing for entertainment purpose photography.  
This is at least 50,000. dollars to start many have said i need more,  to start i will be thrifty-=- I can do this!  I know I can I have family to help me and I have tested out my  ideas and have gotten no negatives back.  I have worked for the World Series Giants during the 2014 winning season my favorite day was when  i took over 950 photos!!  I CAN DO THIS. People that need cameras for all sorts of events, dont have time to print and show them , that is what I AM GREAT AT!! 
MANY people dont know how to buy a camera its confusing!  just rent one!  I can show you !  THIS IS no different than renting a car or skiis, or an outfit to wear,  this is exactly the same. Sometimes we have special events and just need it for one night, sometimes we lost our stuff, and we want to try something new.  It is possible to hire a photographers yes, but you can do most of this your self!!  THIS  is already happening in many photo places,  pro games, land marks and rollercoasters.  Fun and you can just try the camera one day, and give it back, and then its not a worry!   Did you forget your camera and you are on a very important game, well  there you go == would it be nice to have it delivered?  That my friend is the goal, to have these all over and do this.  It is my dream, thanks for the love!So
if just the friends on facebook gave 20 $ it is all possible.

Everyone who donates gets a thank you card with a good photo and an option to meet me. 
Thank you so very much, and for caring.  I also have a heart for charity, and donations, when  I get it all up and running I will have a place to offer low cost meals and I have more ideas on finding small houses, diy, housing and things of that nature.  YES this is my calling, my Grandfather did it all his life, I have been taking photos all my life, this is my LIFE. I know it will be work and fun and bring out the best in all of us. I am looking forward to a magazine four times a year from this, as well as an online blog, I have the people lining up at my door to work for me.   This is the begining of greatness  can't wait to see you there!  GODS blessings and thanks!  
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