Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fw: Today's Prayers

 I feel like  we are getting bombarded with problems these days
 like were at bat, and no one asked if we were ready--
 they pitches keep coming, and as soon as we look  away one hits us right in the head,
they get faster, they get curved
 they get better and getting us to swing when we shouldn't
But then I remember-
 I am on Gods team
I have been training for this- day---I knew it would get tough- I knew I would have to use my knowledge
This is nothing new, I watched so many before me go through this same problems,
and you know when I summon up my courage, I know I am OK
 and that is when I hit one --it goes right out of the park-
I smile, i feel the world smile, and the sun shines brighter-0-0
go ahead, --fire on at me
I might need  the practice--
 Go ahead-- pitch it!
I might need to learn to concentrate harder-
 Pitch your best-- one-- life-give me your best -
 I will like the opportunity- to learn-- I am going to NAIL IT!
Because I am not going anywhere!!!!!!  Until my turn is up!
 ~ I am just one on this great team-
and after me --there is a line stronger - younger faster and they will stand in line forever to fight for the team...
I will take my turn at bat, I will not buckle, and when I get hit, I am not afraid---that is when I know!
 I am the coach, and even on the sidelines I am a valuable part of my team.
I can --cheer, I can give the signals because I know many are watching and my team still depends on me.
There is a balance, after I have worked hard on the team, then I am the coach.
I teach with my actions, I teach with my stamina, I cant talk my way out anything, and there are no excuses.
But when I am good just when all the bases are loaded and it seems all could be lost, I am on FIRE!!  I love the chance
   I set up to the plate, I focus, and !!connect!!---I get to RUN as hard as I can--
`until I get home.  
 Because this is what you were made for!  And you know you can handle anything that crosses your plate. 

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