Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Welcome to 2009

What shall we find interesting to listen to, when we at this point think we have heard it all. Once it has become stated that we now know it all, and that no one may discuss topics of the day, as interest, but as reactions to the guffaw in what might be the biggest smite upon the faces of the ever-present stubbornest colony of the republican Obama haters.

Belonging to a pitchfork carrying colony of protesters will always sway your observers to wonder, what is this? And if your case is protested loudly and with enough vigor, all who must be forced to recon with you, but alas, how can we protest without one hand on the peace pot, the other with the spoon ready to reinforce the spin. Spin it your way, but it still needs a pot, it takes two, therefore what would you do with nothing to complain about? I for one will shy way away from our brethren in fierce combat for the belief that our enemy is our own. For who is really to say, such mutiny? I heard recently, in every success, someone must back down and fail, and let the others succeed. With grace, we should give faith a fighting chance.

Isn't it enough to just be who we are? When will it ever be enough? We like to imitate God, as pitiful humans, I have noticed. We tell ourselves we are as great, and we indulge our self in every favor that portrays us as divine beings. Some even tout that they can levitate, and read futures or bring cards out that tell stories of personal battles to come. This is not a show of Gods-gifted talents, because non shall brag. None of us, is free from the truth, none of us is as great as God , we cant make trees, or flowers, or butterflies or rain and certainly stars and galaxies are out of our real reach. We can look, and ponder, we cannot make something true. We can talk about it, study it and take it down to the DNA, but we cannot make it happen from nothing. We don't look at the dirt, take it in our hand, and say, today, I think I make...another species. And arguably those that do make "DNA creations", will be asked, is it from GOD?

If we knew our limitations, in the framework of what we see, and what we actually control, by simply being outwardly obtrusive, and painfully dictating, we ourselves would not be obedient to this kind of subversive torture. It is necessary to revive the basic faith in human nature, and the strength in kindness.

Your mother would be firm with you, if she was telling you not to touch the stove, but you would not believe her until you actually touched it and felt its unforgiving scar. That scar, you see, you feel and you don't forget, you don't blame the scar for that pain, and you don't think it just can be told to improve, and become different than what it is. The scars that have changed this country, remain, and are deeper than ever, some scars and burns are recent enough that when we look at them, we know, it was us that did this.

It was not that long ago, that we had such demeaning issues at the core of the USA, no one would have ever believed that a man of color, could be in the house that deserves and commands the respect of the entire world. It was not that long ago, that we did treat women, children, and races outside the look of white as second class citizens. These people are not just historic figures, they are still alive today, the can still share their stories and we don't shove them aside to appease ourselves. We don't pretend that the scar inflicted surely doesn't flinch, each and every time, if feels like might-or- we hit it over and over and over.

Isn't it enough to accomplish this --great country? Just to be here at all.... to sit in the arms of chairs where great men have sat, and know you are one of them. Not one of them was perfect, not one of them was loved by every man or every woman, and not one of them escaped the suffering inflicted so cruelly as to those who put themselves in public office, and fight for the people on the front lines of the public newspaper's, and now the instant messages of the Internet, and the ghastly comments sludging their way across the public forums , where real information meets, the crime of yellow journalism. Not unlike the youth in our military that enlist for the punishment of discipline in honor of our beloved flag, and its rights?

When will it be enough to know that it is our hope that keeps us alive? And that no matter what they do it, with what ever evil words they utter, or promises to hurt us, or destroyed places it is not but our own choice the leads us to our destiny. It is our money that we print, is still our greatest triumph of our men and women that brought us thus far, nothing can take away the good things that have transpired from the greatest of tribulations, we have filtered through some of the best and finest achievements, with beautiful and intelligent people from all over the world. It is not ours to worry about, it was not our Award that is so coveted by others, nor is it up to us to judge. This is the time to realize, some things are out of our reach, and not of our making! This might be the release we need, the exit and the escape hatch we are looking for.

Within all of us, the mind, the body, the soul, is a simple belief that we are. We come to know who we are, and that life force what ever you may call it, whispers in our ear from time to time. Those of us, who listen to it, get information divine, or information clouded from the divine with personal ego. If we only listen to our voices, we center our self in a padded cell, fit only for the safety of our personal opinions. Open the window and see, we are not really making the sun rise faster or time stop, when we have our greatest moments of control, even in our greatest achievements in science or health, no one has ever made time or space.

It is not science fiction to look at the sky and see that we are of no great size or shape in that comparison, why do we fight like we are unique? Billions of us, but we are not staring at a different moon or sky, we just have different thoughts. Different voices, this is so minute, so-- simple, and yet so dividing. Understanding , listening and loving cant change the sad truth of those that will not allow others to have their own choices for liturgy of peace.

When the sky opens up, and the stars start to fall from the sky, and all that we knew is upside down, will we blame the Nobel peace prize? Will we blame, the government, our parents, our health-care, will those that think that everyone who discouraged them in their life -- did this? When the time comes, will you be the one that doesn't know how to have faith, when it gets really scary? Those of us, who believe and stand strong, will still be here, and still be singing the songs of faith. Because some of us will aways worry , and some will aways care, and some will always panic.

What are you? What is it that you stand for? Do people look at you and say, wow, you have really done so much with your life, that you could influence others and be a catalyst for a million trillion people? I do hope so-- I hope today that you believe that you are amazing and you can be happy, in that one smile you share it makes a world of a difference.

Thanks for being a friend, I sure love you.

Good things will always prevail.

Thank You From Panda Publishing

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