Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Arrive without traveling

:))))) this was very moving, Concert For George Harrison~ It needs to get out there, please just watch---listen open your heart...
I really want to hear more by Jeff Lynne , Anoushka is absolutely amazing~ what a gifted young woman, she will inspire so many to learn sitar! what an honor to have friends like these. I never knew George Harrison, I also never knew that anyone could be so musically generous--when I hear this I know what he was trying to say a little better.


this "My Sweet Lord" is huge-- with all the talk today of stolen music, and how he plainly took the blame for this...it was a shame! Look at how this is played in this video...No one cares what religion it is about, no one wants to cover this up in any way, this is love ---in a way we can all be proud as people, there is a way, love shows you! I really want to be with you--


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