Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

what's new?

What is new, no seriously what is NEW?
My grandfather whom, I love to quote always said, never buy anything new, because he explained, you can buy something, wear it once and then its not new, it is used! Once a car is driven off the showroom floor, it is no longer new, and as soon as news is posted on the Internet it is no longer new-s it is used. So much of what we see, on the news, is used, over and over; the stock images are sold to us as new, they are actually saved from prior dates, and taken for collective uses. I worked a the worlds largest bookseller, for a few years, and on my lunch I would pick up my favorite magazines and oogle the photos and articles with great hunger. As I looked at all the different magazines, I started to notice, that the same photos were showing up, and similar articles would appear in the variety of magazines. After awhile it was painfully obvious, the majority of what was being published in one magazine was being copied in almost all of the same genre magazines.
I also noticed that books would be looked at a lot, even if they were not sold, someone looked at them, and doesnt that make it used? Most of the magazines were not -untouched, and the only thing that was brand brand new, well was the packaged items like boxes of cards, and those were usually of stock photos of things that were really nothing new. I noticed in the catagories of books, that as soon as a book became a best seller, it spawns numerous copy cats or critics will spend money and time to debunk it! (You know we can't copyright ideas, books can have copyrights for photos and titles but not the idea, you have to patten in idea and it has to be something that is so important that it is honored with a patten, names can be trademarked, but the idea is free, like a child of the world, eventualy you give it up once you ( give it) publish it in to the world. )

What is new about a regurgitated book? What is that all about, how can anyone just rewrite the same thing over, but now claim its better because, well they say it is! That is about it! Nothing new there, what is new? I think new is a oxy-moron, why do we even want something brand new anyway? I read a first edition of J.M Barrie's Peter and Wendy, it was on the shelf at a wonderful retreat in Occidental that was over 100 years old. I took it to the caretaker and said do, you know what this is? Its a first edition, it must be worth a fortune! I asked can I borrow this? He said, after some quiet thought, "what good is a book that can't be read?" What a wonderful thing to say! I was allowed to take it home and read it, I practically drank it in, I just emmersed myself into the story and found so many phrases that surprised me !It starts with, this has all happend before and it will all happen again, in the nursury of a child...I loved everyword and chewed on every phrase. J. M. Barrie narrates the original story, and at one point in the book he is commenting on the problems with Captain Hook and his evil ways, he says , " whats up with that?" he said that, I got the biggest laugh out of that! He also said, "Every good mother, cleans out the brains, of their child, like the laundry, its is important to take out the old thoughts and clean them and then get out fresh ones for the morning." This is the teaching of the recycled thought, to use new thoughts with out old head, that what is new is inside, even though the outside remains the same. That book has been recycled so many times, so many ways, and it was the old version that is really the best one, the one we may not even know what it was meant to say--Peter Pan takes the children to "Never Never Land," the place where Children go , to die, that is why they never never come back, and he really missed his mother. But if you missed the old version and only saw the new one, you might have missed out.

Recently my old friend of a computer decided to start screeching, and then it would just flash off and stay in bios mode. You know , it is time for something new when that happens, we love our computers but they just done age like they should! Funny, before I let go of my computer I bought a huge, new, hard drive, 1.5 TB, and saved all my old files, data and well as much as I could before, the old friend went into the garage. I needed something new, to take what was old off my old computer to put on the new computer so that it would be just as good as an old computer! You see, a new computer is not very useful without the old saved files on it, and sadly some of the old programs, that were so easy to use, now they don't work, and those are the ones I miss the most! Why because new things mean, well, its made the old stuff-- not useful!

Now that is frustrating, we cant reuse old files and some programs, because the new ones wont let us! Now that reminds me of a cute movie that came out a few years back, called ROBOTS, and the key phrase was " Why be you, when you could be new?" In that little movie, the premise is, "see a need fill a need," and the characters fight for the right to fix repair and reuse, and save themselves, because big business wants them to toss the old and just buy buy buy new! I find that movie beyond entertainment, its motivational! The Father character, keeps reminding the son, that if he does not follow and keep his dreams, it will only lead to unhappiness, and he encourages his son to do what he believes. The son, must find a way, and when he realizes that its not easy and sometimes people just stand in the way, he went right to the source to find out what went wrong. He finds out, that people do give up, people do feel out moded and old, and it is because we listen to the "NEW and the improved " slogans that we loose our goals, and we often loose our souls. No one can walk in your shoes, and that phrase never gets old for me, because each time you teach one person your story, it is new all over again. Each time you try, you learn that its new again, its not used, or just out dated its just, good and tried and true. What is the difference between what is good and timeless, and what is old and useless? Its just a simple test, can you use it again?

Everything recycles, remember that! Its not that it has to make money, or that it has to become something miraculously beautiful, that is the myth, use it again even once you have recycled. Use it twice and you have now done the miracle, save and sell, make and mend, teach and talk, but remember, everything is used. Nothing is new, its not, it cant be. New is not a word that should be ----used; new is not even in a museum, because even if we are just looking its being used! Somethings just cry out-- use me- i am new to you! Then what, it sits there, or its all used up, sure that happens. That is the box that it comes in, or the package that it was sold in, or the container that held it, and now what? That is not new?> Isn't it? Think about it, its no longer what it was, its now new, because it will need a whole new concept to be used again. What can we do with the things that seeming cant be used again, hmmm, doesnt that bring new thoughts, doesnt that force you to think in new ways? So think in new ways to use old things, reuse packaging? I know we just throw it on the fire, or the garbage.

I have a question, do you put things in the "garbage" that does not turn into dirt? that was a trick question, because this is worse! Do you put things in the garbage that do turn into dirt? Ok I have a compost and all items that turn to dirt go into the dirt, and become the dirt and nurture the fruit and plants in my yard, and the items that go to thrift are sold, and the rest, well the plastics and the wrappers and the bags, they are, not used hardly at all--they are used again, usually. New ideas are always in my mind on what to do with things we recycle, like meat packaging, ( just give up meat?) Milk containers:fill them with water and freeze them, card board packages, anyone got anything new to do with them, because just tossing them away is getting old!!

Got old stuff? I want it--send me photos of your old stuff, I will help you sell it!

see my email-Love and Joy-Liz


Anonymous said...

Glad you liked the original/real Peter Pan. It's quite different than most people would think, wouldn't you say?

You might want to read this book, too... it's the only Pan story that's based on Barrie's idea for more adventure! :)


And here's an article on it:


Liz Digital said...

Thanks for the comment, I looked that book up and was challenged to find it, as an X BN employee, I have to say that did not show up on the Radar; but this book is one that was put out:"The product of a contest commissioned by trustees at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital, owner of the copyright to J.M. Barrie's original Peter Pan, this authorized sequel largely succeeds in entertaining fans of the classic." Peter Pan in Scarlet
by Geraldine McCaughrean, Scott M. Fischer
the official ISBN-13: 9781416918097

When this arrived in stores, I was the only one selling it, and I know I only handed about two that went through the registers. I had better luck selling " The Little Prince" but if Disney ever makes that into a movie, poof, it will also loose its magical effect. Thanks again for the suggestion, keep in touch., EM


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