Daily Scribbles and thoughts, I bring the GOOD NEWS!

In the not so distant past we all wrote letters to eachother, then there was the phone ring ring ring..., and then we figured out how to FAX, sort of. Now we have email, and all the social networking sites of various types, we call this the information age! I would just like to be the place for some inspiration and good news, I love to keep in touch- please feel free to comment- back!

Remember it's your life-you always have a choice.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I was trying to sleep after what was undoubtably one of The Best SNL performances ever..,( i dony live in the past!! I should say of late - ) and my Facebook comment about it promoted it. And I received a saweet note straight from my friend Dennis...
I have good friends that's not gender definitive!
I actually worked for him on a very special way, through his generous time and spectacular BAMMIES.

Fresh out of college of Marin's design and commercial arts program, I ran the entire sprinter printer shop, with the help of one man the owner, who ran the old fashioned offset printing machines. I was living my dream! Designing ads and cards and letterhead and wedding invitations ... And in a wonderful moment of serendipitous coincedence I created the BAY area music AWARD! "Bammies"
Yep ME!!

Cool huh!

My boss Todd would say back in 1989 that someday all this would be a flash in the pan, that soon computers would take over. And no one will be buying what they can make at home.

I was stunned at this revelation knowing how badly I wanted to be apart of it, I knew my time there was limited.

What an honor to be apart of the BAMMIES in that way, I still have a copy of it pre gold leaf stamped in my portfolio of art.

Dennis is a cool guy, and he said in his FB comment his Son produces on SNL
:) Laser Cats!! That was beyond funny and wonderful fun for me. I believe lasers will change the world. I actuslly operate a machine that can heal people everyday ! I am here to tell you we can turn back the clock on our skin -cells!
Skin is proof! It's a star trek future now!

My 90 year old patient who told me that he hadn't slept in years -and he finally slept and said he wasn't in pain.

I'm happy.

I was sure, until you ask me ... About my dreams.

Subconsciously I'm hiding from love and I'm deeply hurt.
I've seen such marvelous things, in my dreams. It is why I believe, I have no excuse. No denial of what is real and what is fiction either.
Love will find a way.
God keep us all safe.

Watch over our traveling brothers and sisters.

Always I'm the light.

Love Liz

1 comment:

carol young said...

hell yeah! That old microphone was tres cool. Sounds like you have more than one book in you. u r more than worthy! love, your female relative and admirer, c


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